14-11-2012 09:59 AM - last edited on 14-11-2012 02:20 PM by Retired-Matt_Vo
Hi forum,
I'd appreciate some guidance/help from any of the Vodafone folks here... We've recently added another SureSIgnal (SS2) unit to our network (serial 40122462597) - its noted as Active on the SureSignal dashboard and has solid power and system lights displayed on the unit itself.
Sadly, none of the devices currently registered shows a 3G service (or any mobile network connection!) in the immediate area of the device - while each of the devices (all BlackBerry's and all confirmed as set to use 2G & 3G networks) definitely do have 3G service outside of the problem area. One of them is a fairly recent new connection (number removed for security), another was upgraded a couple of weeks ago and had a SIM change (number removed for security) while the other number is working happily on a couple of other Sure Signal devices at a different location.
I've removed the offending numbers from the SureSignal and re-added them, the users of the device have also run through the reset process (after which the unit came back to power and system lights solid on).
If there's anything to check on the Vodafone side, I'd appreciate someone having a look and any resulting advice would be appreciated.
14-11-2012 02:20 PM
Can you take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread, and then post back your results if you’re not directed to an existing thread?
eForum Team
14-11-2012 06:42 PM
Hi Matt,
I've followed the "Power and system lights are on" link, I can confirm that the handsets are 3G capable (BlackBerry 9320 & 9900's), that the SureSignal admin page is telling me that the numbers (noted above) are indeed setup on this SureSignal device.
The BlackBerry''s do get (and use) 3G signal elsewhere - so I'm happy that there SIM card's are OK for such services. The SIM has been changed on one of the devices - but I have followed the instruction already and removed/added it to the SureSignal unit - and the user has tried it again about 48 hours later with no success through this unit.
I reckon the only instruction I haven't followed so far is the one that says I should post at the end of that particular thread :smileywink: Happy to kill this one off and post to that thread if needed ....
15-11-2012 09:26 AM
Hi p-robbins,
I've performed a resync at this end to make sure that all the changes are picked up successfully, especially as there appear to have been some location changes - either physical or virtual - picked up recently. Can you perform a factory reset of the Sure Signal for me?
You also mention this is "another" Sure Signal on your network. If you are running multiple Sure Signals on the same broadband connection, this will require greater speeds but the same results could be expected for each box, so can you confirm:
- If you are running both in tandem on the same broadband connection?
- If so, are the other Sure Signals working?
- Do the numbers work on the other Sure Signals?
- Do handsets working on the other Sure Signal work on this one when the number is added?
- If you swap one of the affected handset's SIMs with one in another handset which works on the alternate Sure Signal, does the "working" SIM still connect?
Can you also provide the results of the following checks so we can see specifically if the available speeds are sufficient to handle multiple Sure Signals?
Your speed test results from here.
Your ping test results from here.
15-11-2012 10:41 AM
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the update - there were indeed location changes, although none of the numbers were working before or after that. I'll get the guys on site to run through another reset and advise.
Looking at your other questions, we don't do things by half here, the SureSignal devices we have, make use of our corporate networks internet connection, so no bandwidth issues there (76Mbps download - 26Mbps upload) - and the other devices are working. The ping test will not work from within out corporate network - but the relevant firewall changes are in effect to allow the devices to connect to Vodafone systems.
Two of the numbers on the troublesome device are on another of the working SureSignal's - and they are behaving on those. Nothing has worked on the troublesome device so far.
Swapping the SIM's is a bit of a pain in this case and not something I can accomplish, this is because the troublesome SureSignal is about 15 miles away from the rest of the units that are working and the users don't travel between sites much. As noted previously, the handsets do connect to the 3G network outside of the area of the problematic SureSignal.
15-11-2012 12:38 PM
Annoyingly, one of our other teams (different numbers for this one!) has just advised that they are in the same situation with a different SS unit (SS1 with 3 solid LED's but no 3G signal on the 4 phones of different types in the same office). I've reset the unit with no change in behaviour. Any chance you could resync serial 21196851048 for me as well please?
16-11-2012 09:30 AM
19-11-2012 09:40 AM
Thanks for the action and update - I'm trying to get someone to tell me how the two separate units are doing ...