08-07-2016 04:31 PM
I have purchased 2 Vodafone Smart First 6 but neither myself or my husband can hear the ring tone, how can this be enhanced to LOUD please.
08-07-2016 04:35 PM
hi, dont have that particular phone but try going to settings,sound, volumes and make sure ringtone is at maximum ( although pressing volume side switch to max should do the same).
09-07-2016 12:52 PM
turned upto full volume and no changes. dowloaded soem free "lud" ringtones and wokrgn much better now. The shop exmpleon display had diffrent louder ringtones than the one bought, not very good.
09-07-2016 01:08 PM
Hey @sallyjustice
Thanks for updating your thread.
Good to hear you have an alternative ringtone that's louder.
As i intimated in my original reply some are louder than others. Or perhaps to the ear perceived louder than others.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
08-07-2016 04:35 PM
Some ringtones can be louder than others. Test out others maybe an option.
Also so cases or screen shields can interfere with the speakers Ensure no dust or lint is in the speakers.
Usually in the phones settings a person can turn up the loudness and or use any volume switches on the phone itself.
The phone manual is Here.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.