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Roaming further charges

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi all,

as one of the 55000 customers effected by roam further charges I contacted Vodafone to discuss my right to end my contract free of charge but I was told that they cannot do that because the deadline was on 30/11/17. Which doesn’t fit with the Ofcom’s ruling against Vodafone, dated 12/12/17 which clearly states that Vodafone is to give customers extra time to decide whether or not they want to cancel their contract. But I am categorically denied this from the many online chat and phone conversations with them. They all say the same; I’ve missed my deadline 30/12/17. 

I would appreciate any help or advice from anyone. 



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Hi there,

What date did you recieve the notification from Vodafone?

It's 30 days from that notice that you have to leave if you choose.

The original notification was sent earlier this year and that is the one OFCOM had issue with.

So you should have had a more recent notification and it's 30 days from then that this applies.

Thanks for your reply,

I had a text message from Vodafone at the end of October which Vodafone says that was the text message with information about the right to cancel the contract, but there was no mentioning of that I still have the same message saved. All it said  was that from 10/12/17 the £5 is going up to £6 with a link that directed me to Vodafone roaming website.  

I only became aware of this when I watched bbc news. Before this I would have gone on to see the contract through as I thought when Vodafone made these changes it was like it or lump it. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Why do you think that you are one of the 55000?

Have you used Further Roaming in the last 3 months, where the cost of usage if it were pay what you used, would be less than £5?

Hi and thanks for your reply,

yes I do travel by car throughout Europe on regular basis  and some countries aren’t covered by free roaming, like Serbia Kosovo and Montenegro and have been charged at the flat rate of £5. Also the c/s have said themselves that I am one of those effected customers but missed the deadline. 

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@Sl3madi So we can take a closer look into your account, I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch.

Hello again,

 I had some good news with regards to this matter.

 I was contacted by customer relations team and we have come to a mutual agreement, I had two lines with Vodafone, one had 3 months left which they released me out of contract free of charge and because the other one had just over 15 months left so they said that the cost of the handset was too high I’ve agreed to return the phone back and then released out of contract. 

It’s not the best outcome but nonetheless it’s a result. 

I would like to once again thank you all for your help/advice and may you have a great new year ahead.