24-05-2017 09:57 AM
I wonder if anyone can help. I am having issues with my S8. I can connect it via Bluetooth to my car and make calls sometimes but when I get out of the car and get back in the phone reconnects but it is impossible to make calls as it is just crackling and breaks up. I have never had this issues with the S6 or S7.
Any ideas please.
Thank you in advance.
24-05-2017 01:06 PM
@GNCov123 Can you provide a little bit more detail for us?
I can see you've said that once you leave the car and get back in, this is when the issue starts. Is this when you leave the car for a short period of time with the systems still running, or is this when you leave the car for a longer period of time and the car is completely shut off?
When this issue happens, have you tried to toggle the Bluetooth setting off and on - on your device? If so, does this help?
24-05-2017 01:18 PM
If i get out the car and switch off the engine, say to go in a shop or take kids to school then get back in the car and when the phone reconnects to the bluetooth it is a really bad connection. If i turn off/on the bluetooth on my phone when this happens it will not reconnect to the car automatically I have to manually connect the phone using the car controls. this sometimes solves the problem but not always.
24-05-2017 02:12 PM
@GNCov123 Is it possible to test the Bluetooth connection in a different vehicle? - Maybe a friend or family members car, as this would help us with seeing if the issue was related to the car connectivity or the device.
I know my car does a similar thing when I'm trying to connect my iPhone. Sometimes when I switch the Bluetooth off and back on, my device won't connect back to the car.
Then I have to click the device on my car settings for it to reconnect - it works, but it can be a little annoying!
24-05-2017 02:19 PM
I will try that when I next see my dad and see if that works. I've not had this problem with any other phone with this car mind.
Thank you
24-05-2017 02:49 PM
@GNCov123 Please let us know how you get on with that.
If the same issue happens on a different vehicle, we'll then look into troubleshooting for your device. :smileyhappy: