28-10-2014 08:55 AM
So I plugged a SS V3 in on Saturday and have had several fruitless phonecalls with Vodafone support since then!
The power light is flashing, the next 2 lights are solid white however thats all that happens, neither my s5 or iphone 5 will connect.
Vodafone tech support have tried telling me i need 1.5Mbps updtream for a SSV3 to work, while i understand that this may be the case to carry 8 simultaneous calls, I don't believe that this is the case for a single call or to register a single phone.
I finally on sunday evening spoke to one 2nd line support engineer who gave me a list of ports to open on the router, to make like easy i disabled the firewall all together. As instructed Iwaited 6 hours, nothing changed. On monday morning Ispoke to UK customer services who spoke to 2nd line support and was informed that Vodafones SS Server had been down since saturday and to give it another 24 hours
Guess what. 24 hours change!!
Is there anyone who actually knows anything about Suresignal within vodafone who can help!?
28-10-2014 12:10 PM
Hi AntDB74,
Please take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread. If this doesn’t resolve your query, please post your reply either below, or in the relevant thread, together with the details requested, including the following information.
Your speed test results from here.
Your ping test results from here.
Your external IP address from here.
The results of a traceroute.
Your Sure Signal serial number:
VSS Traceroute command
On a PC:
Click on Start and select Run
Type CMD into the Run box and press enter/click ok
A black box will appear.
In this box type tracert press Enter
Paste the output of this command into your reply.
This will help us get the quickest possible resolution for you.