05-07-2017 05:28 PM
I have had a new samsung galaxy S8 for about 3 weeks and have recently found that occasionally during a call my data connection will dissapear. This has mean't that google maps cannot operate as their is no data connection available to support the software. Has anyone else had this issue? It's happened twice in the last week. I'm also new to vodafone having recently changed due to signal issues where I live with my old network.
many thanks
05-07-2017 06:49 PM - edited 06-07-2017 06:15 AM
Hi @jthom189
I use the Samsung Galaxy s8 too.
When on a phone call my internet connection remains On.
It does drop from 4G to H due to no voLTE feature yet but I can still surf internet pages Ok.
Are you able to try an alternative phone with your sim in.
If you have a Samsung Experience Store local they can run a diagnostic or if not then find your most local Samsung Service Location. Link > Samsung support service location.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
24-07-2017 07:31 PM
Hi BandofBrothers,
I have performed some basic checks by calling my personal phone with another phone and confirm the same as you my connection drops from 4G to H+ when a call is connected. I have also noticed that the issue only occurs when I am driving and using google maps as a sat nav. I have no issue with the phone call signal dropping out just the data connection. I will as you suggest try my sim card in another phone and will also look into my nearest Samsung Service location.
Thankyou for you help
10-10-2017 06:55 PM
I have still been seeing this issue quite regularly in various locations in the UK. Finally I have managed to try the sim in a different phone and the issue still occurs so it is definitely an issue with either the Vodafone Sim or the network. Coincidentally I have also recently had a few text messaages from my wife but my phone says they are from the origional vodafone mobile number she was given. In fact i can message het on both her old and new numbers which doesnt make sence to me.
any advise is greatly recieved as the data issue is really begining to be a pain and is making me doubt moving to vodafone as I never had these issues with my old provider 3
14-10-2017 04:42 PM
We don’t want you to leave and want to help to get this resolved.
The next test will be to try a different SIM. You can get one from a Vodafone Store, or please contact us via Live Chat and we can arrange one to be sent to you.
25-10-2017 07:51 PM
Thanks for your help I will arange to get a replacement SIM
29-10-2017 10:46 PM
Hi Gemma, I visited my local Vodafone store today (Preston) with the plan to obtain a new SIM. The assistant there advised me that this issue I have reported is to do with the Samsung software used in my phone and is not an issue with Vodafone. He went on to say he had me a number of customers recently with the same issue. Something about a feature to save data. Please can you investigate this claim and let me know what you find so that I can approach this with Samsung? What ever it is, its a pain and is getting rather frustrating. Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated
Many thanks
30-10-2017 08:59 PM
Hi, thought I'd try offer some helpful input
I'm thinking that during some of your voice calls, your Samsung S8 is handing over to the 2G network. That isn't a fault, it's normal to do that if the 3G signal gets low. Only 4G (with VOLTE) or 3G will allow you to have a voice call and use data at the same time. While on 2G, data stops during a voice call (I assumed a moderator would have explained this). I noticed you mentioned your previous provider is 3 and that you didn't have this problem with them. 3 don't have a 2G network, therefore you wouldn't end up with voice calls over 2G.
With regards to your wife recieving texts on two different numbers, that sounds like a porting issue on her phone, not yours. Vodafone also use RCS messaging services between compatible phones, so possibly something has gone wrong with that during the number change (I'm assuming your wife is also a Vodafone customer). The network your wife has ported from, has that SIM card been disconnected?. If both SIM's are still working then something has gone wrong. Hopefully another experienced member or moderator could offer some advice regarding that :).
Hope this helps.
31-10-2017 11:49 AM
07-11-2017 07:37 PM
Thanks everyone for your help and advice it is greatly appreciated.
I understand about the signal varying depending on where I am etc. The bigger concern for me is that when the data connection drops out it doesnt re connect unless i end the call. I've had it before where I've been on a call for an hour and the phone stays connected via just the 2G connection and never goes back up to 3G. i would have thought that the connection would change back up to 3G as easily as it drops down to 2G. The problem seems to occur most in the midlands area of the UK. For example I drove down to work from the Blackpool area to work on Monday and was speaking to my wife all the way and never had a drop from 3G however when driving from the Castle bromwich area of Birmingham to Coventry the signal dropped to 2G and then didnt go back up until I ended the call on arrival. In fact in all the time I've been with Vodafone I have only noticed the signal return to 3G once and thats since i started with Vodafone in June this year. Its dropped down to 2G countless times preventing google maps from keeping me up to date with traffic info durign calls. The proof that something isnt right is that when the call is ended and my phone instantly changes from a 2G connection to a 4G connection. That cant be right surely? Finally its not the phone as I tested my sim in another samsung phone and the exact same issue ocurred.
Also is it still worth trying a new SIM? My local Vodafone shop near home said it was an issue with the phone as I have reported earlier in this thread so did not provide a new SIM as suggested by one of the moderators here.
Thanks again for all your help and advise. if anyone else has any ideas im all ears
best regards
PS I have attached two screen grabs showing the difference between when I was on a call and had arrived at my destination with a 2G connection and then seconds later after the call was ended at the exact same location. its very odd indeed and is proving to be incovenient.