05-02-2017 02:43 PM
@rick639 wrote:im on the vodafone contract would it be ok to flash the btu firmware to my phone or do i have to wait for the vodafone version ,
i just find my current software glitchy as hell and programs crash all the time .
thanks in advance
As far as I'm currently aware as long as a person still uses their own countries Rom it shouldn't trip Knox. That said I've seen the odd post elsewhere , where Knox has tripped voiding the manufacturing warranty.
Also if changing from Vodafones Rom to another this can cause the loss of Calling Over Wifi.
The thing that personally concerns me is people reporting issues with their phone after flashing Roms.
My unlocked unbranded s7 edge is very stable on MM so I'm not prepared to pursue Nougat and have the chance of upsetting my current situation.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
16-04-2017 09:00 PM
I have the galaxy s7 from carphonewarehouse so i couldn't access wifi calling, so i downloaded the official vodafone UK nougat firmware from sammobile but it had downloaded the vodafone germany firmware instead. So in the end i flashed the btu firmware to it instead i also tried flashing MM instead of nougat afterwards but it installed VOD Germany insead. So i just flashed the BTU firmware instead which was extremely annoying as i really wanted access to wifi calling.
Does anyone know where to get the vodafone uk nougat firmware for the galaxy s7?
17-04-2017 11:42 AM
As your phone wasn't purchased directly from Vodafone, we're unable to guarantee that Wi-Fi calling will work.
To get the Vodafone UK Nougat firmware on your phone, please head into your local Vodafone store. They'll be happy to look into this for you,
06-05-2017 06:35 PM
You will get it from Sammobile you will also need a programme called Odin as you will need to flash the firmware yourself.
20-07-2017 12:23 PM
Just flashed Vodafone's latest nougat firmware onto my galaxy s7, security patch date, June. VOLTE now works properly with this update although there are no settings to toggle volte, and theres no longer the wifi calling sign in place of the volte symbol (BTU firmware), now theres no symbol at all to say whether your making a volte call, it just works so far. This is the first vodafone uk firmware available for the galaxy s7 from sammobile as all the others were actually Vodafone Germany.
Vodafone's updated their website with info on 4g calling:
So far the galaxy s7/edge and xz are supported although it doesn't state the phone needs to be purchased directly from vodafone. But so far for the galaxy s7/edge 4g calling only works with the latest vodafone firmware which was released over a week ago.
25-07-2017 07:32 PM
Hi Ajanni,
Thanks for the info but as my S7 edge is unbranded simfree version l don't want Vodafone's software my phone's working grate at the moment so no need to change it.
21-01-2017 12:04 PM
Sent from my Note 20 Ultra.
23-01-2017 12:05 AM
23-01-2017 10:27 AM