20-04-2015 02:58 PM
I am still waiting for a call back from one of your senior managers . We have a business contract and you are refusing to swap a faulty iphone handset, due to a known power fault, which one of your shops (St Andrews, Scotland) have advised should be swapped by Vodafone within 24 hrs. You are refusing to do this but are happy to sell me a new contract to fix it, or let us wait 2 weeks whilst the handset is returned by post. This is not satisfactory as it is affecting our business. The call reference number is INO 1389032539. Please can you find someone who actually wants to help us as we are not gettingthe service from Vodafone that we pay for.
22-04-2015 02:55 PM
Hi @Stanthedog
I'm disappointed to hear the experience you've been having.
For my team to look into this further, we'll need you to get in touch with our Live help team.
22-04-2015 03:29 PM
I have tried via your live help team, no one wants to help. It is very disappointing. Your customer service used to be excellent for business customers. Sadly, over the last couple of years it has deteriorated.
24-04-2015 01:55 PM
Hi @Stanthedog
I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch.
We don't have access to business accounts, however we'll get you in contact with someone who can help further.