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Several issues with new Vodafone ultra 6 help

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
I'm having problems with speed dial connecting me to contacts when they dial me while I'm on the line speaking causing not only interference on the sound but in one case recording a 12 min conversation on the wrong person message machine!
Also apps and back button jamming, terrible time delay on messenger and poor connection to WiFi in house.
Had this phone a week and losing patience with it

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I'm so glad someone else seems to be having problem with a weakWIFI connection. Have you got yours sorted? Mine tends to drop the signal at a rather pitiful distance from the router compared to other phones. Thanks

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hello, as the title says, my phone is dropping the WIFI if the signal strength ranges from 'poor to fair'.  My other devies connect to  the WIFI with no problem from the same location.  This has been the case on multiple WIFI networks. 


I am currently using the phone in Spain (handset was purchased in the UK). I say this beacause apparently Spanish SU6 handsets initially had big problems with WIFI connection until Vodafone released an update addressing this. But I don't see why this would be a problem for me as I purchased this in the UK.....any ideas? Thanks

Hi georger010, I can't help with this problem directly, but I saw your review post about the audio quality. I don't know if they could be related, but even if not related, the audio quality problem alone might be reason enough for you to get a replacement.


The reason I say this is I have the Smart Prime 6, the model below the Ultra. And I was very pleasantly surprised with the audio quality. I expected to be using my Fiio Digital-Analogue Convertor with almost any new phone I bought, but I don't, as the sound quality is very nearly as good. The reason for this is that the Prime has a Qualcomm chipset with a dedicated Hexagon digital signal processor "thus improving performance". Your Ultra has the bigger and better version of each of these so in theory should be even better than the Prime.


I'm very keen on good sound quality, and from your description it sounds like something isn't working properly with yours. I'd suggest taking it back and comparing it with another Ultra. Might sort the wifi out as well...


Let us know how you get on, because if I ever upgrade, poor sound quality would be a deal breaker after the Prime. Cheers.