Hi pmac,
I can definitely understand your frustration in regards to this matter. It does sound like you're almost there though so I'd like to resolve this once and for all if I can
If you follow the steps below then you shouldn't experience any difficulties:
Firstly, go to your email settings by going to Tools > Account Settings > Click Change. You'll then need to enter the following info on the Internet E-mail settings page:
-User Info is self-explanatory
-Under Server Info:
-Account Type: This will need to be set to POP3 or IMAP4 depending on your incoming settings
-Incoming Mail Server:This will be specific to your mail provider, if it's already in place then don't change it
-Outgoing Mail Server:Needs to be SMTP.360.COM
-Under Login Information you need to enter the Username and Password for your email address, NOT your 360 account, tick remember password. SPA can be left unticked unless required by your mail provider
Next you'll need to click on More Settings on the left. Click on the Outgoing Server tab, tick My Outgoing Server Requires Authentication, ensure Log on using is selected and then enter your 360 username and password, ensuring that remember password is ticked. I don't think you need SPA so don't tick this.
Next, click on the advanced tab and enter the following info:
-Incoming Server:This should be defaulted to your mail provider's settings so don't change this
-Outgoing server:Set this to 465
-Ensure "Use the following type of encrypted connection" is set to SSL
-Press OK
Once you've done this then ensure that you save the settings and you should then be able to send email without any issues. Let me know how you get on
eForum Team