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Sure Signal - Flashing Red light 2 static orange lights

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi there,


I have been trying to set up the latest Sure Signal device on my corporate network and not having much luck with it. I get a falshing power light and and 2 static orange lights.


I have reserved an ip from our DHCP pool and assigned it via its MAC and can see and ping it ok.


I have set up a rule on our Sonicwall NSA E5500 firewall to allow the VSS to any destination using the the TCP & UDP ports mentioned in the other post on this site.


when carrying out a tracert to is get the following results:


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     6 ms     9 ms     6 ms [109.231.235
  2     *        7 ms     4 ms [195.66.224
  3   111 ms     5 ms     5 ms []
  4    38 ms     5 ms     7 ms
  5     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  6     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  7     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  8     *     ^C


A ping test gives me:

0% packet loss

10ms Ping

10ms Jitter


My external IP is


Line speeds are


36Mbps Down

30Mbps Up


Please can you advise.


Many thanks.


I've just got a sure signal 3 and it's pretty frustrating how poor the diagnostics are and how abysmal the support is. After an online chat session with the most clueless person ever who was asking me the most irrelevant questions and trying to make changes that just didn't make any sense at all, I looked at this thread and it wasn't very helpful either.

I'm on virgin broadband and all these ports I'm supposed to forward just don't make any sense. Port forwarding is when you want to allow a new external connection to an internal host. Any router will allow responses to outgoing requests such as NTP or DNS so there is no need to forward those.

Anyway, if it's at all helpful to anyone else, this is how I resolved the situation with the red light and two orange lights. I connected the sure signal to my laptop ethernet port, configured it as a DHCP and DNS server and then ran wireshark to see what is happening, which is as follows:

DHCP request (UDP 68<->67)

DNS lookup for

DNS lookup for (no connections made to these IP addresses)

IKE connection (UDP 500 <-> 500) to

IKE (UDP 4500<->4500) to

IPSEC (UDP 4500<->4500) to (long lived)

NTP connections (UDP 123<->123) to (hardcoded address I think)


That's it. There are no requirements to forward any incoming ports as long as your router allows responses to outgoing requests. The reason I had a problem is that I'd misconfigured my router and it wasn't responding to DNS.


Maybe there are other connections later, but that's all I observed in the first 10 minutes