09-12-2013 11:55 AM
Hi There,
We seem to be having a problem with 2 Sure Signals, we have 3 in total 1 is working perfectly and the others have flashing Power Lights and 2 Orange lights (In-Use light and Signal Light)
Power: Flashing
Internet: Off
In Service: Solid Orange
In Use: Solid Orange
We have de-registered these and registsered again but still no luck?
Please see details below:
External IP:
Speed test:
Ping- 8ms
Download: 20.01 Mbps
Upload: 1.08 Mbps
Ping Test:
Ping - 10ms
Jitter - 1ms
Line Quality - B*
Signal serial number: 40133800801 & 40133814711
Trace Route Results: See Attached.
10-12-2013 02:39 PM
Hi Dmatt7176,
It looks like the upload speed might be a little low to run more than one Sure Signal.
If you turn one of the units off that isn’t working and do a factory reset on the other, do two of them start to work?
Perform a reset of the Sure Signal:
-Locate the button on the base of the box next to the Ethernet ports.
-Press and hold the button for approximately 30 seconds.
-Once the lights come back on, release the button.