‎27-02-2017 06:39 PM
Solved! Go to best answer.
‎02-03-2017 11:06 AM
@woodstockthree You're right, you haven't got a Big Value Bundle! You have a Text and Web Freebee, which is now discontinued for new opt-ins, but continues to be available provided you don't opt out of it.
I also have had one for some long time, and it has been running fine, although I'm aware that a number of customers have the same problem as you describe.
There is no requirement at all to wait for the renewal reminder before topping up. I usually top up a day or two after the new one has activated, so that I don't forget to do it, and that always seems to have worked without problem.
However, I now have an odd occurrence. About half way through my last T&WF I topped up my account by £5 using PayPal, to discover how that worked.
Almost immediately I had a text informing me that my T&WF had started, and would be valid for 30 days, but there was no change to the expiry date showing on my account of the MyVodafone, and it expired on schedule. I hadn't actually topped up by £10 during the 30 days, so it didn't renew. But I did top up by £10 yesterday, and it hasn't renewed. Also, I see that mention of it has disappeared from my online account, where it used to show the date in 2013 when I last opted in.
So I rather fear that the inappropriate text following my £5 topup was actually an opt-out of some sort! When I have a long enough window of opportunity, I'll be contacting Live Chat for help in kick-starting it again. Fingers crossed!
‎24-04-2017 09:26 PM
I've now tried again with the email - inadvertently private messaging Amanda in the process... oh well lol. I sent the email and I got a thank you message but no reference number. Let's see what happens.
‎25-04-2017 07:50 AM
An on-screen acknowledgement rather than an incoming email? Do you by any chance have a Yahoo email address? If so, do you have an alternative email address you could give when submitting the email form?
‎25-04-2017 04:24 PM
Hi Annie_n
Thanks for your reply.
Yes it just said thank you - no reference number- and links to the community etc. It is Yahoo but I've have emails from this site to that address before and now stopped - I wasn't notified that you had posted but the box was ticked to notify me of replies. I do have another address but the yahoo one is the one linked to this forum profile and the one I log into my vodafone. I don't know why noone from the tech team is replying to this thread - they can see what is going on.
‎25-04-2017 04:38 PM
Ps it's not going to the junk folder either 😎
‎25-04-2017 05:16 PM
Yes, there's a problem with the email notifications at present - they seem to be quite random, although this afternoon I do seem to be getting a few, including hearing about both your posts, so that at any rate is going right.
I'd suggest that you try submitting the form again, but using your alternative email address. Then, if you get a proper acknowledgement email with a reference number, you can post the reference number here, and the Team will pick it up - otherwise, as you indicate, they won't necessarily make the connection.
The Forum doesn't seem to be running 100% at present and, like you, I'm finding it enormously frustrating!
‎25-04-2017 06:55 PM
Success!!!!! I have a reference number - though really the tech team should have helped without it - they haven't contacted me at all. Why should there be a problem with Yahoo - one of the main web email providers etc etc. The reference is [#15879646]. I got this by using my Gmail account.
Let's see how quickly things move now......
Thanks for your help annie_n
‎25-04-2017 07:38 PM
Someone from the social media team just called me. Not impressed. He is going to remove the existing freebee, "make some changes to the account" and reactivate it, which can take up to 24 hours - when I said that's not good enough as I'm back at work tomorrow he said it should be 2 hours - this has been going on for months now so let's hope so. The freebee "should" then renew every month - but he said to ensure it does, I need to top up when I get the text message a few days before. I quoted the terms and conditions at him and said if I have topped up in the period then I don't need to, and eventually he said he will escalate it. South Africa said they would escalate it and nothing happened so I'm not holding my breath. Sick of being talked down to by men who think I don't know what I'm talking about because I'm female. I hope I'm wrong but my instinct is that this problem has just been kicked down the field to buy another months worth of time.
‎25-04-2017 07:50 PM
And they would be quick enough to hold me to the terms and conditions if I didn't follow them. This has gone on for months on and off and I'm sick of it now.
‎25-04-2017 08:05 PM
Hah! Got a notification of your last post, though not the previous one!
Let's hope that, whatever they do to your account, they manage to fix it. I suspect that there may be some very minor problem hiding in the accounts where the renewal doesn't go smoothly, so as long as they manage to find the correct area to look in, they might find the problem. I'm waiting to see what happens to my T&WF at the end of the month, as my account seems to have developed a similar problem, after running smoothly for several years. Please do post back later to report how it shapes up.
"Sick of being talked down to by men who think I don't know what I'm talking about because I'm female." I know what you mean, but it's not just men who seem to think along those lines. Earlier today I think I was accused of not knowing how to use a mouse - my immediate reaction was that I'd been using a mouse since before she was born, but I bit it back in case I was wrong. Thanks to Wikipedia, I now know that I was indeed using a mouse that long ago; happy memories of having to undo the bottom of the mouse, and blow dust out of the ball compartment - plenty of scope for dubious jokes.
‎25-04-2017 09:46 PM
Lol I know what you mean
... we're now back on the new text and Web for another 30 days and hopefully someone from the tech team will contact me to tell me what's happening. I'm getting close to the end now and I'm hearing good things about Tesco mobile from my family and the phone isn't locked to Vodafone.