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Usa Mobile Broadband Costs

Polly Phonic
Not applicable
Hi all, I am off to the States for a week and I am getting conflicting information about the cost of mobile broadband roaming in the USA.

I have successfully used my E220 USB Modem in France & happily accept that I have to pay about £10 a day as it means I can work from our mobile home whilst on holiday without having to disappear off and find a wireless hotspot.

On this page: it clearly states that USA is in Zone 2 about 30 quid a day. However, on this page: it says that USA is the same as in Europe.

I rang Customer Services and the woman I spoke wasn't sure and went to ask. When she came back she assured me that it would only cost me the £10 a day but I'm just not so sure.

As this forum is the Oracle & always right perhaps someone could confirm the true cost for me!

Thank you

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi Polly,

The second link is from a press release from last year. Our roaming charges changed on the 1st of July this year, so that information is no longer correct.

The first link has the right information. Since the USA is in Zone 2, you will be charged £29.99 for each 50MB of usage :)

I trust this clarifies the matter for you :)

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