20-07-2017 01:47 PM - edited 20-07-2017 01:48 PM
I have spent a few months researching using a third party router with Vodafone because of the shocking Wifi Speed I get when 3+ users are connected (I have had 20+ calls to Vodafone about it).
I have been told by different Vodafone employees that I can and cant use a third party router directly into the wall, so I am not sure which is correct.
I am looking at buying this: ASUS RT-AC1200G (
I was wondering if anyone can advise if this router (or any for that matter) will work plugged into the Vodafone connect router (With the Vodafone Connect router set up as a modem only). From experience, is this relatively easy to configure and did it help at all with Wifi Speed?
20-07-2017 02:02 PM
I'm not sure the Vodafone router can be set to modem only . you can get close by turning everying off but it still may cause problems. I know nothing about routers so could be talking nosence my only knowledge is from Google which can be dangerous. I have decided to go for the complete replacement which I will be attempting tonight so we shall see how it goes.
20-07-2017 05:24 PM
Hi, @arty68 is correct, there's no pure modem only mode on the Vodafone router, so that would still need to handle the connection and login. You need to set up the Asus so that you avoid a double-NAT scenario, although if you're just browsing, it may not matter too much but could affect gaming etc.
A couple of other options would be to buy the Asus 'DSL' version that includes the modem. The other option would be to get a BT modem (HG612 3b) from ebay. Both would need you to get your logon details from Vodafone.
In terms of the best option, then it's down to what you think is the weakest link. If it's wireless speed/range, then the Asus or an access point would be right. If it's the ability to handle/route traffic form multiple devices, then you need to take the Vodafone router out of the equation.