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Vodafone Connect Router issues

4: Newbie

My vodafone broadband was installed today and setting up my home ive come across the following issues.


1. My Laptop connected on the Wifi 5Ghz channel cannot see my Server connected by LAN Cable, if i disable the 5ghz band i can see the server fine but it reduces the functionality of the router.

2. I cannot connect to a device via port forwarding using the external router IP from within the network. however i can access the device from outside the network.

3. My fibre broadband speed is significantly slower (28MB) than the service i was recieving with sky (40MB) even thoughi was promised full (76MB) speed


has anyone else had these issues and can provide assistance ?

138 REPLIES 138

I'll trhow my hat in here as well - somewhat regretting leaving plusnet for this level of service.  


Vodafone router does not seem to support any kind of routing between devices on different sections of the network.  My only solution to date is to use a seperate wireless router in AP mode.


Frequent disconnections - i'm also getting atleast two dissconnections, usually early evening and mid morning, sometime more often. 


So far a pretty poor show :Sad_face:


update: just waited for an hour on the chat to be told they won't give out connection details so your stuck with the rubbish router until someone hacks it and gets the connection details...

I have worked for a couple of companies supplying end user equipment and the Connect router really is sub-standard.


I had the same WiFi LAN to Wired LAN connection issues. 


I have set reserved IP addresses under Static DHCP in Settings for hard wired and wireless devices.


I have changed the DHCP lease time to a week in the hope that will help.


I am not convinced it is fixed but since I did the above, I haven't had the issue where WiFi clients cannot print to or access wired  devices.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@mooredav @its5am @PeterGMc57 So we can look into this for you, please speak with our Broadband team directly on 08080 034 515 or through Live Chat.


@abates85 Please keep us updated on the outcome of your query.




Firstly, never speak to customer services but write to them (email or web chat). Then you will have a record of who said what.


But funny how Natasha keeps giving a "standard" message directing us to a web chat URL that doesn't work.


Are you a robot?


yup, links don't work - well done natasha :Smiling:


Chat is fun to get through on (takes about 30min generally, but i've been waiting for an hour before).


The response is device seperation is a known issue the firmware team are working on, no timelines (great) and no connection details so your stuck with the rubbish router, company policy



I'm close to paying early termination fees and going with another provider.


Knowing what you know, I bet you don't use Vodafone broadband yourself?


You're with BT or Virgin right?


Can you recommend a good provider with good customer service?


This all tallys with my experience. Directed to non-existant webchat for broadband. I have been told definitively that they are not giving out usernames and password details. In addition I have been offered money off over the phone which has never appeared. 


My phone renewal is coming up shortly and I will be changing away from Vodafone, and will do the same as soon as possible with the broadband.

Same issue here: devices on WiFi cannot connect to devices on the wired ethernet.


Any solutions other than "buy a new router" would be appreciated!



You could try what I did - see message 15 above, so far 5 or 6 days and no issues. However I suspect this problem is due to DHCP lease renewals so I may not know for a couple of days more as I set my DHCP lease to a week.


I have also added powerline device with WiFi capability from Netgear (PLW1000) as a back up. At the Vodafone connect it looks like a wired connection but out in the house you have a WiFi Access Point.




I don't need to be told again that it takes 30 days for the connection to settle by someone who evidently doesn't know the difference between a WAN and a LAN. Its a clear fault in the router.

Is there any chance of getting an answer from the vodafone forum team that isn't "contact support", otherwise this place is almost totally pointless.


Could we please get an official ETA for these issues to be fixed?