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Vodafone Egypt abusing Vodafone reputation to scam clients.

4: Newbie

I was told by vodafone Egypt that , I can use ADSL service from vodafone Egypt without a having a vodafone sim card or number, after connecting the service I realised that I have to have a sim card and to use the sim card as well;at least every now and then. I spoke to complaint department for six times and they just keep wasting my time by promising to call back and then ignoring me, each time I call they get me to explain the problem over and over(absolutely hopeless), I am just asking to stop the service with no penalty As I was intentionally misinformed by the company initially.

guys in Egypt are abusing the reputation of vodafone big time.

my complaint ref no:1-25476638286 my name :Baher Tanious phone number [Removed]


MOD EDIT: This post has been edited to remove personal information please see Community Guidelines]





17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hi @ben13


Vodafone UK can't deal with any issues for Vodafone Egypt. Vodafone Egypt are a separate network and you need to raise this with your service provider, Vodafone Egypt.


You need to post your issues on the Vodafone Egypt forum where you will get a good response.

View solution in original position


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@ben13 Nobody here is arguing with you, they're simply trying to get you in the right place so your query is addressed properly. 

I understand that we're apart of Vodafone as a whole, but if you want your issue to be resolved, then you do need to contact Vodafone Egypt

You're more than welcome to post your concerns, as long as you know that doing so here, isn't going to get you the resolution you're looking for. 

We can only access Vodafone UK accounts and as much as I'd like to help, it's simply not possible - I do hope you find a satisfactory resolution to your query after contacting Vodafone Egypt. 

Polite notice - the team and other members of our Community are no longer able to assist you with this. 

Apparently the community board may remvoe or move posts that they dont like, I wonder what is the community is for, is it really for users to vent or for Vodafone to advertise.......?


The following is a record of your online chat.


General Info
Chat start time February 12, 2018 2:07:00 AM GMT+011:00
Chat end time February 12, 2018 2:45:02 AM GMT+011:00
Duration (actual chatting time) 00:38:01
Operator Pooja


Chat Transcript
Info: Thank you for choosing to chat with us.  An agent will be with you shortly.
Info: You're now chatting with Sanjay.
Hi, you're chatting with Sanjay, how may I help you today?

Hi Baher, Good Afternoon.

Baher: I have a problem with the communiy
Baher: they been removing my topics, so no one cn see it
Baher: if you dont resolve it, I will the issue to communication ombudsman
Baher: my user name at the community is ben13
Baher: please give me a ref number for my conversation with you
Sorry to learn about it however I will certainly check the possible options for you.

Before I proceed with your query, may I validate your account. Is that fine with you? 

Baher: what account
May I take your mobile number in question and your full name on the account please?

Baher: my user name is ben13
Baher: i do not have a number with vodafone uk at the moment

Please to inform you we are connected to the UK Vodafone technical team. We deal with the mobile network queries.

However I request you to please click on the below link you will get connected to the Egypt Vodafone technical team and they will help you with it.

I appreciate your patience and cooperation in this case.

Info: The chat transcript will be sent to your email at the end of the session.
I wish I could help you with it.

However we don't have access to the Egypt Vodafone customers account.

Baher: tahnks now i have given you a chance to solve the sissue
Baher: you not willing
You are welcome.

Baher: i can go to ombudsman
Baher, I apologize for the inconvenience you are facing.

However please click on the below link the dedicated team will help you with it.

Baher: am talking about vodafone community
Baher: it is on your website
Baher: do NOT refer me else where
Baher: one direct question
Okay. Please help me with the website you are checking the details ?

Is it the website.  . If I am correct ?

Thank you for the website.

Please allow me quick couple of minutes to check the details on the website.

Baher: OK
Sanjay: Sorry, I'll be right with you.
Baher: no probs
Sanjay: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.
Info: There’s a problem connecting with Sanjay. Please wait while we transfer you to another adviser.
Info: You're now chatting with Pooja.
Hi, you're chatting with Pooja. Let me quickly go through the chat, so that I can help you.

Baher: i hope u not just wasting my time
The reference number for this conversation is 4319894534   

Baher: ok and what is your last answer
May I know what exactly you want us to resolve


Baher: i did explain my self
Baher: if you going to provke me
Baher: i will just quit
Baher: read the convo above
We will make sure that your topics will not be removed hence forth

Baher: can you gurantee that
Baher: and what if they removed my topics again
Baher: did u talk to guys at the community
I can guarantee that it will not be removed from now

Baher: again did u talk to them on the community
Baher: ?
We will take this further and resolve it

Baher: fairenough
Baher: i will try again tomorrow to allow sometime to resolve the issue
Rest assured this will be taken care of

Baher: i dont think so but i hope soo
Baher: please note they alreday did remove my posts
Baher: i may at any time escalate the situation by anymenas
Baher: cos they already did that before
But I will make sure this wont happen again

Info: The chat transcript will be sent to: your email at the end of the session.
Baher: ok bye for now
Pooja: Thank you for your understanding
Is there anything else I may help you with ? 

Apparently the community is moving posts that they dont like , to where it get less seen, I wonder what is the community is for, is it really for users to vent or for Vodafone to advertise.......?


The following is a record of your online chat.


General Info
Chat start time February 12, 2018 2:07:00 AM GMT+011:00
Chat end time February 12, 2018 2:45:02 AM GMT+011:00
Duration (actual chatting time) 00:38:01
Operator Pooja


Chat Transcript
Info: Thank you for choosing to chat with us.  An agent will be with you shortly.
Info: You're now chatting with Sanjay.
Hi, you're chatting with Sanjay, how may I help you today?

Hi Baher, Good Afternoon.

Baher: I have a problem with the communiy
Baher: they been removing my topics, so no one cn see it
Baher: if you dont resolve it, I will the issue to communication ombudsman
Baher: my user name at the community is ben13
Baher: please give me a ref number for my conversation with you
Sorry to learn about it however I will certainly check the possible options for you.

Before I proceed with your query, may I validate your account. Is that fine with you? 

Baher: what account
May I take your mobile number in question and your full name on the account please?

Baher: my user name is ben13
Baher: i do not have a number with vodafone uk at the moment

Please to inform you we are connected to the UK Vodafone technical team. We deal with the mobile network queries.

However I request you to please click on the below link you will get connected to the Egypt Vodafone technical team and they will help you with it.

I appreciate your patience and cooperation in this case.

Info: The chat transcript will be sent to your email at the end of the session.
I wish I could help you with it.

However we don't have access to the Egypt Vodafone customers account.

Baher: tahnks now i have given you a chance to solve the sissue
Baher: you not willing
You are welcome.

Baher: i can go to ombudsman
Baher, I apologize for the inconvenience you are facing.

However please click on the below link the dedicated team will help you with it.
Baher: am talking about vodafone community
Baher: it is on your website
Baher: do NOT refer me else where
Baher: one direct question
Okay. Please help me with the website you are checking the details ?

Is it the website.  . If I am correct ?

Thank you for the website.

Please allow me quick couple of minutes to check the details on the website.

Baher: OK
Sanjay: Sorry, I'll be right with you.
Baher: no probs
Sanjay: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.
Info: There’s a problem connecting with Sanjay. Please wait while we transfer you to another adviser.
Info: You're now chatting with Pooja.
Hi, you're chatting with Pooja. Let me quickly go through the chat, so that I can help you.

Baher: i hope u not just wasting my time
The reference number for this conversation is 4319894534   

Baher: ok and what is your last answer
May I know what exactly you want us to resolve


Baher: i did explain my self
Baher: if you going to provke me
Baher: i will just quit
Baher: read the convo above
We will make sure that your topics will not be removed hence forth

Baher: can you gurantee that
Baher: and what if they removed my topics again
Baher: did u talk to guys at the community
I can guarantee that it will not be removed from now

Baher: again did u talk to them on the community
Baher: ?
We will take this further and resolve it

Baher: fairenough
Baher: i will try again tomorrow to allow sometime to resolve the issue
Rest assured this will be taken care of

Baher: i dont think so but i hope soo
Baher: please note they alreday did remove my posts
Baher: i may at any time escalate the situation by anymenas
Baher: cos they already did that before
But I will make sure this wont happen again

Info: The chat transcript will be sent to: your email at the end of the session.
Baher: ok bye for now
Pooja: Thank you for your understanding
Is there anything else I may help you with ? 
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Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@littlegong I'm currently standing in for our Community Manager and running this forum. 

Live Chat agents have nothing to do with our Vodafone Community page so you won't get anywhere messaging them about it. 

If you have any concerns about your posts, feel free to send myself a private message and we can discuss that over there. 

You're not going to get anywhere on this forum with regards to your initial query as I've previously mentioned, we only have access to Vodafone UK accounts. To prevent from wasting more of your time, I urge you to contact Vodafone Egypt directly. 

Edited to add - Your posts are being moved to this thread to keep everything in one place, as per our Community Guidelines:

You must not
post duplicate threads. If a thread already exists that relates to the same Content, you must use that thread.

 Why are you moving my posts from main page (wall) to a thred with a comletely different topic?, I will complain aganist Vodafone UK, that is why I wanted to get thier final answer, I used different account to see if it happens automatically, but now you saying that you do move my new topic to where u like. if there is a problem with my post delete it and tell me about the problem , if not then why you deliberatly move it to a sloved issue while it is completely different, I guess your credibility is lost. You manage the community as you wish not as the community users wish, I belive communty users are aduts, yet you decide for them what to read, by doing these tricks. 

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@ben13 Please see the bottom of my previous reply to see why your posts have been moved. 

you either didnt read my reply or you are just wasting my time ... thanks

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


 Why are you moving my posts from main page (wall) to a thred with a comletely different topic?, I will complain aganist Vodafone UK, that is why I wanted to get thier final answer, I used different account to see if it happens automatically, but now you saying that you do move my new topic to where u like. if there is a problem with my post delete it and tell me about the problem , if not then why you deliberatly move it to a sloved issue while it is completely different, I guess your credibility is lost. You manage the community as you wish not as the community users wish, I belive communty users are aduts, yet you decide for them what to read, by doing these tricks. 


What is the main Wall?


There are 13 topics in the Vodafone Forum.

5 Under Devices area for different Operating Systems. (Which is not your issue)

5 Under Services based on the service that UK Customers are provided with. (You don't have any UK Services)

3 Under Community one of them being Off Topic which is appropriate section for your questions.

Hence all your post is moved to Off Topic.

In future if someone decides to search on issue in Egypt, then it is easier for them to see all your post rather then go to diferent places. So combining all yuor post under one has helped you.:Hmm_Face:


You original question was answered with a correct solution, hence it is marked as Solved. Despite several further posts giving you the same answer, you insist on not accepting it. 

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@ben13 @littlegong We're unable to assist further with regards to your query. 

This has been answered at the very beginning of this thread in the solved solution and you now need to use this information to get help. 

For further support, please contact Vodafone Egypt as there will be no further correspondence from us at Vodafone UK - at this point we've done everything we can. 

I didnt expect that you going to help, but I didnt also expect that you will ignore to rpely to the questions that really matters. too bad for the community users, isnt? I mean you are the big boss and I ask you a direct question, then no answer and back to go away attiude.