26-09-2015 11:55 PM
22-02-2017 01:57 PM
Vodafone replaced my router, but the problems are still the same.
@ those of you who have switched off wifi and connected your own router, is double nat an issue?
I have filed a complaint because the terms and conditions do not make any mention whatsoever of the prohibition from using our own equipment. I do not expect Vodafone to change their mind, but I expect them to send me a deadlock letter (which basically confirms we couldn't reach an agreement) so I can escalate to the Ombudsman. The complaint procedure is here:
We should all do it!
22-02-2017 05:13 PM
@cdl - thats very interesting, i havent read the T&C's but assume using own equipment was in there...clearly not
So some good news - disabling things and changing settings seems to help, the biggest one seems to be Upnp. if you havent killed it, turn that off.
Ive also pointed away from vodafone's DNS's which has made a difference too.
Clearly the biggest difference would be a router that works and in that, using my own, but im now going to ofcom as my complaint letter doesnt seem to have got me anywhere.
22-02-2017 05:16 PM
On the double NAT issue - ive found that there are a few bugs, even with DHCP off - the VF router doesnt like not being in the range (or mine crashes and requires a hard reset everytime i change it) and when it isnt i have addressing issues (which i could fix but would take me ages and be more manual than it needs to be).
Have you tried putting your 2nd router in the DMZ?
22-02-2017 02:02 PM
22-02-2017 03:28 PM
Wjat kind of problems with double NAT, specifically?
22-02-2017 04:09 PM
Are you connecting via the WAN/Internet ports on the second router? You can avoid this and the double NAT by connecting to the LAN port and turning off DHCP on the second router.
22-02-2017 04:01 PM
22-02-2017 05:37 PM
22-02-2017 06:05 PM
DHCP on your second router or VF router - it needs to be off on the VF router - all the VF router needs to be is a glorified modem.
Try killing Upnp
22-02-2017 08:16 PM