I have been using a K3760 modem for the last 6-8 months, and within the last 2 months, the signal quality has dropped signifigantly. At first there were 3-4 periods of 6-8 hours where no connection was possible at all, and now there is only 2G signal.
I used to be able to get 2-3 bars of 3G signal, and used to be able to stream video with no limitation. Now I find it difficut to even check my email online.
Like many other users, I have attempted all options to improve signal as suggested.
Firstly, is it possible that signal in my location has dropped in the last few months? (I thought that Vodafone was all about improvement, not 'de-provement'), and secondly, is there any option for me to cancel or change my contract as a result of the poor service. Basically, I do not feel like paying substantial amounts per month for limited coverage.
My Postcode is W9 3
Any assistance or suggestions will be beneficial! I apologise if this sounds like a winging post!