Hi Redukdaz,
One thing standing out straight away for me is the difference with the performance on the two laptops.
Apart from the different OS on each, is there anything else bdifferent between the two of them. In particular, is there anything which changed last week on the XP laptop around the time this started happening, for example an update of some kind, which didn't happen on the Vista laptop? This would include any security software as some updates on firewalls can reset default settings, thus preventing a connection. Because of this, I'd also check any firewall you have, including the windows firewall through the control panel, to check for any block.
Also, can you confirm which version of the software you are running? If as you say you are only running the original VMC software then I'd recommend installing the
latest software version to ensure you have everything up to date.
Another option is to clear the decks regarding the modems recognised by the computer. Doing this will allow the system to identify the modem from scratch again, which may remove any conflicts is there is a corruption of the information.
- Select control panel > Phone and Modem Options
- If prompted for a dialling coide, simply enter your local code to proceed.
- Select the Advance tab
- Select each listed modem and click "Remove"
- Once all removed, click "Apply"
- With the modem plugged in, click "Add" to make the laptop search again for any available modems.
Let us know how you get on.
eForum Team