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Vodafone Mobile Connect (VMC) - Problems Installing To XP64 SP2

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hello - found lots of forum entries all over the web from people struggling to install vmc. I have a brand new laptop running XP64 SP2 and trying to install gives me a message about needing Administrator privileges. I am logged in as the primary administrator and have tried as other created admin accounts.

Has anyone got a full diagnosis rather than randomly installing/repairing service packs or even reinstalling windoze as has been suggested elsewhere?

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi a_r_woodward,

Firstly, a very warm welcome to the eForum, it's always great to see new faces on here :)

Sorry to hear about the problems you are having installing VMC. I suspect that this may be because you are using XP 64 bit, I know that there have been problems installing the software on this Windows version previously. Alternatively it may be the way that the admin rights may be setup on the PC. As I'm not windows certified I wouldn't know where to begin setting this up, however I'm sure one of our more techy forum users may be able to help :)

eForum Team

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I Also Have the exact same probem using xp64 SP2

would really like a fix for this as have no landline so this is my only access to the internet at home.

Any chance of a registry edit to enable 'full' admin rights so this installer can run?

I have tried every trick i know but still showing message "administator privileges required for windows xp SP2 installer will now exit)

Quick feed back will be greatly appreciated as i only have limited acess to the internet

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi Comery701,

Welcome to the eForum! Is there an option when you right click on the .exe file to run it as the Administrator? I know there is such an option for most programs under Windows Vista. Also, try going into Properties from the right-click menu and checking privileges for executing the file.

Unfortunately I couldn't make any recommendations for registry edits on your system to make this run for risking serious damage to your computer. In my experience I've always steered clear of making any changes to the Windows registry.

Let me know if there are any options under that menu and keep me posted.


eForum Team.

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Hi - I too have purchased this and am having similar problems with Windows XP service pack 2. I have tried installing on both my laptop and main pc.

I have full administration rights on both, and yet it is not allowing me to install the product.

The two options suggested previously by Adam in the last admin post are not available in the relevant menus.

Help Im stuck please.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi lozzyquiz,

Are you using Windows XP 64-bit as well?

I'm afraid our data-cards are not supported on Windows XP 64-bit, and cannot be garunteed to work on these systems. Please check the minimum system requirements here to ensure your system is compatible.


eForum Team

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Hi Jon

Yes I am. This is what is obviously the problem then.