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Vodafone Smart Ultra 6 - Software Update?

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
Hi, can you please tell us when this phone will be updated to android 5.1 or 5.1.1?

Marshmallow would be fantastic. Not sure I hold out much hope though. But you never know!



I am using a Samsung Galaxy S6 as well. I wish Samsung will incorporate the double tap technology from LG instead of asking users to use third party apps. Luckily the Smart Ultra 6 comes with double tap to wake up the phone. I think Vodafone should make double tap on the Smart Ultra 6 more sensitive as it does not always work.

10: Established
10: Established
Double tap to wake is now a must-have feature of any phone I have. I've just sent back the new Motorola Moto G 3rd generation because I missed double tap.



Returned the Moto G 3rd edition? Wow... The camera on the Moto G is significantly better on the 3rd edition though. It is not officially verified but apparently the camera derived from the Nexus 6's camera. 

Anyway, I'm using the Smart Ultra 6 as a second phone and I'm loving it. With the price going south to £99, it is a steal. I might just get hold of the successor to the LG G4 next time to use as my main phone instead. 

10: Established
10: Established
Actually the main reason for returning the Moto G was that 8GB of onboard storage wasn't enough. But double tap came second :Smiling:





I agree totally. 8GB is quite insufficient though. Honestly Here maps have occupied 30GB on my mobile phone and it does not allow users to store it on the microSD card (Android).


4: Newbie
Motorola moto G 2nd gen and moto G 3rd gen both getting updates to Android 6.0 marshmallow.

Moto G 2nd gen is 2014 phone 1 year old and still getting updates.
Come on Vodafone you can do better then this don't let us down. We need marshmallow update soon as possible.

I have been using my Nexus 9 with Android 6.0 a few days now. One thing which I have noticed is that the lag in running an app after clicking on it has been decreased. Apart from that the availability of memory has increased. We are waiting for you, Vodafone, to update the Smart Ultra 6 to 6.0 and beyond. Moreover, I think Vodafone should update the OS to 6.0 and beyond, taking into account that it is one PAYG handset which is very sellable among other Vodafone branded handsets around. I don't think EE's own branded handsets are able to keep up with Vodafone's Smart Ultra 6. I hope that Vodafone will bring back the £99 for the Smart Ultra 6. It will sell even more handsets!

Vodafone Smart 6 users to be able to offer a better experience continues testing is currently 5.1 software. The tests will be shared by users with updates as soon as possible upon completion.


Update information of the device does not come directly to us. We provide return to you in accordance with disclosures from the relevant departments.The information you transmit to us is to be held device updates. You can get to this essential information. We ask you to wait a short time more.


found this in different language on vodafone website. i hope this helps.



Maybe Vodafone obtained the OS from ZTE. Vodafone will then optimise it before releasing to the public. Alternatively, Vodafone is the party who will give instructions to ZTE to optimise the OS before sending it back to Vodafone. 

Whatever it is, I think Vodafone should be quick and efficient to implement it. I don't think Vodafone wants to have another episode of their 3G services in the future. It is best to learn the mistake and avoid the same mistake in the future.