22-08-2017 01:28 PM
I am a small business owner and took delivery of two V8 handsets last week. One works fine. The second does not. There is no keyboard facility, only voice activation and the wifi connection is intermittent unlike the other handset.
I have requested help via telephone and was told I needed to return the handset which will take approx 10 days. As a business owner I cannot be without the phone for that period of time.
22-08-2017 01:39 PM
If it's that urgent, your best bet would be to buy a new handset outright and request a refund for the other one. I know that sounds extreme but, as a business owner continuity and disaster recovery are your responsibility and it's always worth having a "what-if" plan. I speak as one who has had their main server decide it was just a meaningless heap of electrical bits. Can you perhaps go on using the hardware you were using before for a while?
This is a consumer forum, so all the Vodafone team will be able to do is pass you on the the business department, though it's also possible that they will be able to help.
A new device should work out of the box, of course, but that doesn't always happen. Yes, it's frustrating, but dealing with inconvenient occurrences and meeting challenges is all part of the fun of running a business. For mission-critical applications, I'd always recommend a suppport contract with a guaranteed level of service. That won't be cheap, so you have to balance the cost against what's an acceptable period of downtime.
22-08-2017 02:27 PM
Long shot @NellyJones but try a hard reset which is accomplished by a series of button pressess that don't typically involve the keyboard.
This may jolt it into working as it takes it back to the last firmware update but does wipe personal data.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.