03-03-2018 06:35 PM
Vodafone is a complete joke when it comes to service let me list the issues I am having.
First a minimum promised 71MB Fibre Optic Broadband has steadily decreased from the promised figure to 36MB Upload has dropped from 18Mb to 0.64Mb.
Every time I call the helpline I am in a queue up to 25-46 minutes however everytime the call reaches 20 minutes the call is cut off, no doubt to maintain some requirement for Vodafone to answer a set number of calls within a set time standardised by Ofcom.
When on live chat I am asked to do things to check the line which results in disconnecting from live chat because of course I am no longer connected to my phone line e.g. changing the filter, connecting to the test socket etc. Amusingly the people on live chat don't think that doing these things will cause me to disconnect. Are these people supposed to be technical support and not even understand that simple concept no longer plugged in = no longer works?
Spent over 2.5 hours and counting on Live chat still with no resolution currently 18:20 I started with Live chat at 15:40 I'm still going!!!!
The guys on live chat can barely string a comprhensible sentence together that makes any sense making communication difficult in order to achieve resolution.
I have been lied to in multiple ways:
My line tests are testing the line, via ethernet on a PC directly connected to the router which is directly connected to the phone line.
I have been advised that the number of devices connected to the router effects the speed delivered over the line. Which is complete nonesense a line test is exactly that what speed is being delivered by the line nothing else. Plus this is supposed to be fibreoptic which is not effected.
I have been told the promised 71mb is on the basis of 1 device connected, this again is a complete joke for multiple reasons but most pertinently this was not stated at point of purchase and so far no-one has been able to point me to this in the terms and conditions issued at the time of taking out the broadband. If this is the case i.e. what was promised was based on that and I wasn't told then I have been mis-sold the product.
I am still not being offered any solutions or resolutions in regards to getting what I am paying simply arguments and excuses of this is why it's not happening. However as a provider you are required to provide what you say you are going to this is why we now have the tests and prmised speeds. I am simply looking for somebody to investigate my query not provide excuses and reasons why it may not be happening, arguing with a customer rather than simply investigating is THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE THING TO DO.
There are multiple breaches of OFCOM regulations from being mis-advised, mis-sold, lied to , excuses being made and a pure lack of service to reach resolution of the FACT that I am not getting the speed promised. As I dont and can't seem to get anywhere in regards to this and you are not providing the service you promised then I am well within my rights to leave which I wish to do so, however I have no other way of making contact for the aformentioned reasons short of posting here on the forums.
Will someone from Vodafone UK please make contact with me to move forward and resolve. Should you not do so as I am unable to contact you and I have tried on multiple days at multiple times I will be forced to take my issues to OFCOM directly and allow them to step in and resolve the issue for me. I also wish to raise all of this as a direct complaint but again as I cannot contact you by phone and dont get anywhere on Live Chat then I have to put it here in hope that Vodafone Administrators will pick this up.
03-03-2018 08:28 PM
The only response you will get from Vodafone staff here is a PM asking you to contact the broadband team, the service given by Vodafone is the worst I've ever encountered from an ISP and they will say anything to customers to get them off the phone or live chat.
03-03-2018 09:16 PM
I have just been on to the cancellation dept because of the same reasons. When I was getting nowhere I mentioned the conversation was being recorded and they told me I can't do that without telling them then cut me off. I will be getting my solicitor to write them a nice letter saying that unless they terminate my contract without penalty I will be going to the small claims court as they are in breach of contract. My minimum should be 32mbs i'm currently getting between the hours of 1800 and midnight around 1,2 mbs. It's a joke.
04-03-2018 03:20 PM
Hi cklewombat not sure any of the Admins / Mods work on the Community during the weekend but if it's any help there is a link at the bottom of this page 'How to make a complaint' which gives you an email option & a postal address, hope you get sorted soon.
04-03-2018 07:23 PM
The Vodafone team works on a 7/365 basis. That doesn’t mean they’ll answer this thread today but they are around.
04-03-2018 07:59 PM
Thanks for that info, haven't seen any admin/mod posts over the weekend so wasn't sure.
06-03-2018 01:44 PM
Thanks for getting in touch with us @icklewombat. I'm disappointed to hear you're having an issue with your speeds. So we can look into this with you, please see the private message that I've just sent to you and follow the instructions on how to contact our team directly.
Anyone else having the same issue, please let me know 😊