Come on Vodafone .... What's really the problem ?
The Sure Signal product up until a month ago was reliable and provided your customers with a good stable platform.
Since 27th September 2014 ... I think you (Vodafone) can see from the number of posts on the forum it has been pretty much a technical support disaster ... And your communication (for a communications company) on the issue has been - Well like the Sure Signal .... disconnected !
Time for an explanation ... Stop wasting people's time with check your ISP, Ping this, issue test results, reset that, change cables , de register / re register ..... Enough please.
Time to face up to the problem - Posts are appearing which claim the product is now on a long lead time - really - you've withdrawn the product from sale ?
Communication is supposedly your business - Please issue a definitive statement ... Make it clear to what the problem is .. And what your trying to do to rectify the issue... Place it on the home page of the website, twitter and any other form of media you wish - But please make your customers aware of the problem and that at least your trying to rectify the situation... And that you care !!
But most of all STOP WASTING YOUR CUSTOMERS TIME - You can only hide behind a problem for so long - this is your problem - your issue - start to act like the Global Corporation that you are ... Far more credible far more respect ...
Thank you