11-11-2015 04:04 PM
I have an alarm system with a vodafone pay as you talk SIM in it.
It needs to be registered.
I cannot see th security number that is sent from the server, so need access to support.
When trying to access support on the web I get ' all our operators are busy', when I phone in I get 'Cannot answer your call due to an emegency'.
This has been going on for at least two days.
What is going on?
When will I be able to access support, or should I change to O2?
11-11-2015 04:23 PM
For Security reasons, the security code to set up an online acccount has to be sent to a phone. The reason for this is because you have to prove the number is a genuine number. Unless the security code is sent to the phone being registered, anyone could set up an online account for the number being registered.
Unfortunately, you would need to remove the SIM from the alarm system and put the SIM in a phone to receive the code to enable the online account to be set up. There is no other way.