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Water damage Phone

4: Newbie

after my s5 was dropped in the toilet for literally one second it stopped working took the battery cover off and the phone is full of water this is promoted as a water resistant phone ..took it to the store  in leicester and was told can't do anything for you get in touch with samsung ..did so told can't do anything for you its water damaged so have now had to replace the phone at my expense so even tho my water resistant phone was well in warranty i was fobbed off by both vodafone who my contract is with and samsung the supplier so i am now thinking that the part of my £47 monthly bill that pays for my 'free' phone with warranty is now being taken for nothing in return 


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member
One word of warning (too late for you, but others should be wary) about these so-called 'waterproof' phones: any waterproofing certification is based on a) any port covers being firmly in place, and b) submersion in fresh or distilled water only. The first point probably is obvious, but the latter means that if you dunk it in your beer, the sea, or your toilet, then the water will not damage it but they make no guarantees about the sugars/salt/chemicals etc. that might be in the water.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member
Incidentally, it being "full of water" isn't actually a problem with the S5: part of its testing indicated that there can be some ingress via the speakers, etc. but once it had time to dry out, it was fine since the internal components are protected* so it just swishes around the case and then evaporates without touching anything integral.

*again, protected against water, not the stuff that might be in 'bad' water.

4: Newbie
well this was just water I just feel that it is not strictly honest marketing and a cop out ...for instance I couldn't see them saying oh if you immerse your s5 in water for only a second it will damage the phone and void the warranty. ..which were the ecact words said to me by both vodsfone and Samsung

4: Newbie
oops meant to say saying those words at the end of their glossy tv adverts

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

I'm not sure what the position is on "waterproof" phones, but generally Vodafone (as a 3rd party repairer)  aren't allowed by any of the manufacturers to do warranty work if there's any evidence of damage, including water ingress.


I'd simply go direct to Samsung and see what they say.

4: Newbie
I did go to Samsung and they were of no help whatsoever and said if the phone got wet the warranty was void when I said in their tv commercial it showed the phone getting soaked by several different methods even being washed under a running tsp giving the impression of being very water resistant they said it doesn't matter water got in the warranty is void and anyway my contract is with vodafone who sold me the phone and as far as I'm aware as with all other goods bought from a retailer it is them who are liable to me regarding quality not the manufacturer but as usual vodafone showed no interest at all wrongly and in breach of retail policy in my opinoin

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Hmmm, that's some pretty impressive buck-passing!  If a device is advertised as waterproof, you'd expect it to be just that.   At the very least, someone needs to look at the phone and tell you whether something's happened that voids the warranty - and you need to know the exact terms of that.


Hang on for the forum team, who should be able to take this further for you.  You may not get the outcome you want, but I do think that you at least deserve an explanation.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

That is where the issue lies.  It is water resistant and not waterproof. If water gets into the device due to not being sealed properly, the warranty is void - the warranty T&Cs are explicit on this  If you take a look here, it does state very clearly that water damage is not covered.  There is no breach of consumer rights here.  You'd have to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you sealed it correctly.  As there is water ingress, it would indicate that you hadn't.  The jolt of dropping it into the loo could have easily dislodged the covers / seals slightly thereby allowing water to get in.


4: Newbie
ha ha ha typical cop out if thats the case why spend all that money on the ad extolling the water resistant properties ..the geature is utterly worthless and non existant say I have to prove it was fully sealed is a joke the phone was full of water it was defective and yes it was sesled propetly always is