19-03-2018 09:51 AM
On router internet light is on, but WiFi is off. Can’t even find the WiFi on any device, turned router off and on a few times. Went off last night at 7pm and this morning it is still off.
19-03-2018 09:59 AM
Seems VF have a lot of problems with their routers, my son also had one which didn't work. Have yiou asked them to replace it it? Sounds as though they are cheap and awful.
Also VF now give out usernmaes/passwords so you can install your own
19-03-2018 10:04 AM
Yeah we’ve had issues before with it stopping working all of a sudden and being off for days. We only got this hub and moved to Vodafone a few months ago! We have went round in circles on the phone with Vodafone, on the phone for hours repeating the same thing. The last time they finally were about to send us a new hub but it came on again so we didn’t need it. Gonna call them again now, so fingers crossed.
20-03-2018 10:29 AM
@Jlogan123 I'm sorry to hear you've had some problems with your router recently. If your WiFi query wasn't resolved when you called us yesterday, contact our dedicated Broadband Live Chat team and I'm sure we'll be able to get everything sorted for you.