11-08-2017 02:29 PM
Hi. I've been using wifi calling on my iPhone 6s for a couple of years now. This week I entered into a new sim only contract with Voda and I have found that wifi calling is now not allowed. However, I received a text from Vodafone today saying, in effect "why don't you try wifi calling? It's included in your plan". I couldn't activate it myself so I rang voda customer support yet again. After a long time it was concluded that wifi calling cannot be activated because my plan doesn't allow it. Yet the text says the plan does allow it!
Any idea what I should do now?
11-08-2017 02:35 PM
Hi @wilf21 from the wifi calling page
To take advantage of Wi-Fi Calling, you need:
Is yours one of these plans?
11-08-2017 02:45 PM
Understood, and I don't think I have one of those plans???? But their text says it IS allowed on my plan.
11-08-2017 02:46 PM
I got a similar text at my upgrade even though my phone is not one of the supported devices.
11-08-2017 02:48 PM
That's interesting. But why are they sending out such texts if they do not apply? Not only confusing, but possibly illegal as they are offering something they then claim they are not offering!
11-08-2017 02:42 PM - edited 11-08-2017 02:43 PM
It may need re setting back up @wilf21
Also check in your myvodafone that calling over WiFi is turned on.
Speak to Customer Services on 191 or Live Chat and they can check your account settings too and eligibility.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
11-08-2017 02:44 PM
Thanks. They tell me it's not allowed on my plan (and I can't set it up on my phone). But they sent me a text saying it is allowed on my plan!!!!
11-08-2017 02:50 PM
Can you upload a screen shot of the text you received obviously blurring out any personal information so the Social Media Team here can feed this back.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
11-08-2017 02:54 PM
Here's a screen shot. Thank you very much.
14-08-2017 12:49 PM
@wilf21 - Thanks for providing that.
So we can look into this further, I’ve sent you a private message with instructions on how to get in touch