29-08-2013 05:15 PM
Hi guys,
I'm trying to narrow down what the issue could be as when I return home my XZ will not always switch over and pickup the sure signal V1's broadcast. It show's full 3G signal but calls/texts and the web will not work unless it is restarted (a manual roam does not solve the issue)
I do not have a 4g plan and have turned off that radio and only use the other frequencies. No other issues when out and about roaming across masts etc just the sure signal.
The SS has been reset/re-sync'd recently due to a fault,
Any ideas? And the first person to tell me I have a faulty phone wins a corn flake as I can't see that being an issue
30-08-2013 01:38 PM
Hi Av4tar,
The Sure Signal doesn't specifically support handover from external masts, but in many cases it does pick the phone up automatically. Sometimes an active data connection can prevent this though.
Have you tried ensuring you have no data connection active when coming into range? One way to test this would be to switch to 2G just before coming into range and then to 3G when indoors.
Also, rather than restarting the phone, have you tried switching to Airplane mode and back again?
30-08-2013 04:00 PM
hi dave,
yeah tried airplane mode first few days I experienced this and no joy.
The XZ uses stamina mode which I just thought about, in stamina it will disable the data connection saving battery while idle. Maybe this is affecting it as the connections suspended but surely once the phones active again it will search for any connection rather than the previous one? And if so this would be an all round issue resulting in restarts whenever i wake the XZ
I'll try the 2g method well before i get near the house and see if that works, but then I'd have to micro manage this on a regular basis if it works. I'll get back to you over the weekend and let you know.
01-09-2013 01:19 PM
12-09-2013 03:08 PM
update to the findings over the past week or so.
My partner has an HTC one which has the battery saving mode and does the same job as stamina mode on the xperia.
She has noticed that if the phone has been idle for some time and the data connection cut off in saving mode it will not recognise a new signal and pick up the SS. There is varying signal in my home postcode area and not reliable enough to use. Two bars of 3G that never connect to the web.
My xperia Z though, same issue as the HTC one, if its idle it will not use the SS and the connection it has will not call/text or access the web. If i wake my phone up a few minutes before I get home and its stil lawake when i get in the door, all is well.
All I can speculate is the battery saving features suspend the connection in such a way that the phone will not realise there is a new signal which is stronger, would that make sense?
13-09-2013 01:23 PM