14-04-2017 07:49 AM
We have just received 2 bils for over £3,800 for 2 mifi data sims. In februsry I spoke to avodafone after it showed that the data on 1 sim was rocketing above the 50gb, the vodafone rep assured me that the information I have recieved was in correct and that we had only used 39gb as aopposed to 69gb that the mifi was indicating. This said all went back to normal only to receieve a bill at the end off the month for £3,800. After numerous calls I was assured that the deadlock team would be intouch to deal with the bill and the data.
26-05-2017 11:01 PM
The PM from Jenny should contain a link to a contact form, via which you can submit your details, and Jenny or one of her colleagues can look into the matter for you.
30-05-2017 10:12 AM
The PM I got was to call the same number I have tried three times already!
Really not cool.
I came to the forum because I have exhausted all the other avenues. Other responses on this thread seem to have been really helpful, so why can't I get a useful contact with Voda who will take my complaint seriously?
Being charged hundreds of pounds without any warning is really dreadful customer focus and will impact me and my family.
30-05-2017 02:11 PM
Something must have gone wrong, as @Jenny clearly agreed with the content of my previous post! I'm sure that either she or one of her colleagues will return to this thread soon, as the Forum Team members always do their level best to resolve problems of the sort you have encountered.
31-05-2017 07:51 PM
@rgahewitt Apologies if the link wasn't clear in the private message @Jenny previously sent.
I've sent you a new message - please let us know if you need any further help with completing the form and we'll be happy to assist.
Once you've filled this form out, our team will be in touch. :smileyhappy: