Then I am afraid to say that Vodafone is making false consumer statements both on the Apple website and in the Customer Reviews section of the vodafone website.
The Apple website clearly states in the services
comparison table (see link) that WIFI browsing is included in the o2, Orange (3GB and 10GB)
and Vodafone (1GB, 3GB and 5GB) services. According to your last reply this information is incorrect. However o2 and Orange do offer such added value services (I currently use o2 and they offer BT Openzone).
On the
Vodafone website (see link) there is a customer review entitled "Wifi IS bundled" posted by mb2868 on 10 June 2010 which clearly makes the same claim: "Despite the fact the Micro-SIM card was delivered unactivated (but the documentation said it was - a simple call to rectify), I was pleasantly surprised to discover that WiFi browsing is included with the data plan - especially as this is not advertised anywhere on the site (it's buried deep in the Apple website as an addendum to the 3G price plan comparison table though..)". It makes me question the real source of this review!
It is clear from various reports (e.g. last minute changes in pricing) that Vodafone was wrongfooted in its commercial approach for the iPad. Is Vodafone now trying to muddy the water by making incorrect statements in regards of the exact scope of the iPad service?