29-12-2013 06:26 PM
Hi all,
As the Apple iPhone 5 requires a NanoSIM, any customers with Vodafone Sure Signals who upgrade to this may find that it does not pick up the signal from the Sure Signal straight away.
Any change of SIM card requires the Sure Signal to pick up the change. This usually takes effect automatically after a short time, but should it continue please follow the instructions to manually correct this.
Has Your SIM recently been replaced?
When a SIM change is performed it can take up to 2 hours for the Sure Signal system to recognise the change, during this period you won't be able to pick up any signal from the Sure Signal. If you still experience issues after this time then you'll need to remove the affected number from your Sure Signal and then add it back on, this can be done via My Account.
If the affected number is the owner of the Sure Signal, you'll need to temporarily transfer the ownership to another number in order to remove/re-add the affected number. This can be done by clicking Change Owner on the Sure Signal Dashboard. The new owner will then need to login to their My Account profile and accept the ownership request, before removing and re-adding the number. Once this has been completed then the ownership can be transferred back to the original number.
Should this not resolve things, please can you post on the eForum to confirm your Sure Signal serial number so we can take a closer look?
eForum Team
30-12-2013 02:13 PM