07:20 PM
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08:04 AM
Vodafone want me to pay £381.53p more than my normal bill and I dispute it. I have paid the £112 I would normally pay. Details at the bottom.
While trying to get it resolved I was given a number to ring, 03333041259. I ended up talking to a woman from India (who was in the middle of some sort of festival she told me, the background noise was awful. I could imagine her in a crown in a carnival on a mobile.) She told me it had been decided that I could have £50 off. No discussions about what and why I was disputing, this was already decided. I said no and that if she can't actually discuss it I would raise it here in the UK at the next level. She didn't like that and she kept asking what I wanted as a resolution. Then she said I could have a Deadlock Letter and it would arrive in 12 working days and that would allow me to escalate to Ombudsman. Thats all I was told and it sounded reasonable, I said yes.
I have just had my number cut off.
So, I call 191 and they advise me that they can't reconnect until the dispute is sorted. This sounds weird to me. If in dispute then things should stay the same, connected. I have after all paid my normal bill. And to add to the stupidity I find I now can't access my account online. Vodafones website (which is TERRIBLE and worthy of a long discussion of it's own) wouldn't accept my account login so I tried the 'forgotten password' and 'Forgotten username' options. Eventually I enter my mobile number and I get:
Sorry, we can't reset your password as you've entered a number that's not registered. Please check carefully and try again."
What. The. ##~##? I created a new registration to be able to post here.
So, is this level of "##~## You" normal when trying to resolve a dispute with Vodafone? I know this much, I'll be examining my options with other companies VERY carefully and leaving Voda asap.
If anyone is interested in why I have a big bill it was on my 15 year old son's phone. He used 11Gb of data (has a plan for 4) and bought services for android games thinking it was ingame currency. BUT, I had a data cap in place. 191 tells me it was REMOVED when I upgraded his data to 4gb back in May this year. Obviously I did not want it removed, I did not ask for it to be removed, but Voda did so and now there's a lot of data used. Also I have a business account. By default a business account does NOT have "Charge to Bill" as a payment method. I ensured his phone and Google had no cards or payment methods on it to prevent stupid bills. Suddenly his phone, and mine and my wifes have this payment option enabled. It appears to have arrived with one of their updates but I don't know when. It must have been recent or the other months might have gone over. I don't want it, didn't ask for it and their website says it shouldn't be there. I set his phone up to be financially safe but Voda messed up.
And now it's saying "Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied." It keeps looping. I DIDN'T USE HTML YOU STUPID ##~##
29-08-2017 06:56 PM
Evening BoB.
Thanks for the response to my awfuly bad posting. I was getting so frustrated... I've just come home and found my services have been switched on again. I don't know if it was related to this post, my call with 191 or the moon shining on the right Glyph but it's back and if the person(s) responsible read here, my thanks to them.
Now to wait for the letter and get it sorted.
Night night.