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My poor experience with an upgrade

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I was offered an upgrade from 100Mb to 500Mb, my monthly cost would go from £28 to £30 and I would be able to avoid the April price increase, great I thought!


I was given an activation date of 15th March.


I had some family stuff to deal with so didn’t really pay much attention to broadband speed until a few days after, no change in speed. Got on the chat (many, many times) rebooted router over and over with no change, one of the support workers did a full factory reset on the router (without stating that would happen) which was a nightmare, I have a custom SSID and password that all of my smart things in the house know about, this was now lost. The router then refused to use my existing password as it was not secure enough so I spent most of that day trying to get everything back up and running.


I raised a complaint as the chat was getting me nowhere.


Over the 7 weeks following I received a phone call every few days to be told they are waiting for open reach to do something, at one point I was asked to go on hold while they ring them, this was during the day and I was at work which is not very convenient.


Eventually they called me Sunday 5th May to explain that the order has been cancelled so I can now re-order my upgrade, which I would have to do myself. I didn’t have the time to do it there and then as I was out of the house but was told I could do it online, I tried this via my Vodafone website only to receive an error message and to start a chat.


Oh and no mention of any compensation for being messed about for such a long time.


I think I’m going to wait the contract out then take my business elsewhere.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @ed1980 - it isn't good to hear the experience you've had with your broadband order and that it got to the stage of you making a complaint. I hope you can give us another chance. If you'd like us to arrange a call back from someone to go through your options, then please send us your details on Social Media

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I had the annual upgrade promise, and they are behind with updating their info, as always. With the annual upgrade promise you wouldn’t have to pay any fee, but 2021 was the last year they did it. I think it wasn’t financially sound for them.

I would suggest, if you really want it, rather than calling customer service, just email their complaints department with photos/screenshots of what they offer you and seek resolution.

I did mine in the beginning of Nov 2021, and it took 1 month for my phone to arrive.

Also, they changed their system, is more like the O2 now, where you can pay separately for phone and for Airtime. Please note you cannot downgrade Airtime, only stay at the same current level or upgrade.

@choll wrote:

I had the annual upgrade promise, and they are behind with updating their info, as always. With the annual upgrade promise you wouldn’t have to pay any fee, but 2021 was the last year they did it. I think it wasn’t financially sound for them.

I would suggest, if you really want it, rather than calling customer service, just email their complaints department with photos/screenshots of what they offer you and seek resolution.

I did mine in the beginning of Nov 2021, and it took 1 month for my phone to arrive.

Also, they changed their system, is more like the O2 now, where you can pay separately for phone and for Airtime. Please note you cannot downgrade Airtime, only stay at the same current level or upgrade.

i got this...