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Vodafone do you think this is acceptable? Broadband Activation

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I just wanted to share the frankly awful 1st impressions I have had with Vodafone. I thought I would go onto chat so as to try and not disrupt my work day too much in order to find out why I had not got any equipment yet and to change the installation date. Can you actually believe it took me almost 1h 15m to get absolutely nowhere?

I genuinely thought I was talking to a robot at times. My 3 year old listens to me more when I ask something than this particular agent did. What this does not show is just how long this took but as painstaking as it gets. How can something this simple be so difficult? The I have not heard from you in some time messages also came right after they told me to wait (time stamps not shown here)

Modh: Thank you, Killian , how may I help you today?

You: I was told i would get an email 1 week out from installation but did not get anything.

You: I also need to push the date of installation as the vendor has not signed the contract of sale as agreed.

Modh: Thanks for sharing your query with me Killian , I understand that you want to change your Broadband activation date

Modh: I will surely check the account details and help you in the best possible way.

You: Yes but also know why I had not got my email

You: It will also not allow me to register for the MyVodafone through the app using my WEB order ID...can you check why please?

Modh: I have located your account. Let me quickly verify your account for the security reason.

Please confirm 1st and 2nd digit of your account security PIN.

(It is a 4 digits security PIN that you have setup on your account for secure access)

You: x-x

Modh: Thanks

Modh: Perfect! That matches our records! Thank you for verifying your details.

Modh: Please allow me a moment to go through your account and get back to you with a solution.

Modh: Just a heads up, moving away from the chat window or not responding for a few mins may result in losing the chat.

You: That is fine

Modh: “To help me provide the best care and support, do you have any needs or circumstances I should be aware of?”

You: None

Modh: Thank you, please allow me a moment

Modh: Killian sorry to inform you that your order was not hot on the system and git cancelled. You will need to place the new fresh order with us

You: And can you tell me why that has happened please?

Modh: I'm sorry for the inconvenience cause to you as your order has been cancelled. The order can be cancelled for the various reasons such as the current resident of the address has rejected the working line take over, Order has not hit in Openreach/City fiber portal, Landline number can not be port in etc.

You: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Modh: Your order was not hit on the system and this is the reason your order was got cancelled and you don't received any confirmation email and text. I am requesting you to please place the new fresh order with us

You: I also do not want another credit check done against my file. How can you help with this?

You: You have already done one which left a mark and I am not prepared to have another one against it

You: Also this means nothing to me...can you explain please "Your order was not hit on the system"

Modh: For the Broadband contract credit check is needed

You: Well can you ask the department that does them that I do not want another one dopne as you have already done one

Modh: Yes, your order was not submitted successfully, and this is the reason your order was not hit on the system.

You: We are going round in circles here. Can I speak to a manager please?

Modh: I understand you want to make a complaint , we do have an internal escalation process. First let me check the issue once and I'll try my best to help you. If you are still not happy I can transfer this chat to my manager for further escalation.

Modh: I can connect your chat to our dedicated sales team so that they will place the new fresh order for you.

Modh: There is wait time of 2-4 minutes maximum, please keep the chat window open, you will be notified once the agent is available on chat, shall I transfer now ?

You: I have asked you several times as to why my account was cancelled and you have still not told me why. I also expressed concern about another order and credit check being made. I am buying a house and these checks are detrimental to this and you have already completed one successful one. You have not helped me with either of these which is why I want to speak to tyour manager

Modh: There is wait time of 2-4 minutes maximum, please keep the chat window open, you will be notified once the agent is available on chat, shall I transfer now ?

You: I do not want to be put through to sales yet

Modh: Okay, please allow me a moment

Modh: I am checking few more details on your account. please stay connected

Modh: We have not heard from you in quite some time. Seems like we have lost connection. I'll give it a minute more before I end this chat session.

You: You have not

You: You asked me to wait...

You: I did not think that required a response from me

Modh: Many thanks for the waiting

Modh: Just to inform you that your previous order was cancelled and now you will need to place the new fresh order with us and credit will be check once customer place the new order .


another credit will be check once you place the new Broadband order.

Modh: We have not heard from you in quite some time. Seems like we have lost connection. I'll give it a minute more before I end this chat session.

You: Ok so can you put me through to someone to make a complaint please.

You: I have gotten no further in my questions

You: Which to me are very simple...

Modh: I understand that you would like to escalate, please share the expected resolution from the complaint, so that I can check and resolve it for you over this chat”

You: I want to know why my order was cancelled...the specifics

You: I also want the credit check you performed removed from my credit file if you wont sing me up without doing another one

You: *sign

Modh: Its might be some technical issue and I can connect your Chat to our dedicated sales team so that they will place the new fresh order for you and they will also be confirming you that credit will surely check or not with new order.

Modh: Shall I transfer now?

You: No please transfer me to complaints

Modh: Alright. Please stay connected with me

You: Ok

Modh: Please stay connected with me

Modh: Please stay connected with me

Modh: We have not heard from you in quite some time. Seems like we have lost connection. I'll give it a minute more before I end this chat session.

You: I am here

You: This is very very painful!

Modh: Many thanks for the waiting

Modh: As I have discussed your case with my manager, your credit check was already passed with the previous order and if you wish I can react the order for you

Modh: Shall I recreate the order?

Modh: We have not heard from you in quite some time. Seems like we have lost connection. I'll give it a minute more before I end this chat session.

You: Yes please. However you have still not told me why it was cancelled so may this happen again?

You: And to be clear you are offering to re-do the order with no credit check...feel i should check given other requests were not actioned.

Modh: As I have mentioned above it was cancelled might be some technical issue , I can recreate the order for you. Shall I proceed?

You: As long as there is no credit check

You: I have been very clear I do not want another one on my credit file,.

Modh: just to share credit file will be check with every new order and we are not able to do anything with it.

Modh: Do you want me to recreate the order?

You: So then no I do not want you to do another one...back we go...can you upt me through to complaints again please

You: *put me through.

You: Please do not pass me around again please put me right through.

Modh: Okay, please stay connected with me

You: Of course I will I have nothing better to do than spend 40 mins going round and round saying the same thing but getting no further

Modh: I am sorry for that, please stay connected with me

Modh: We have not heard from you in quite some time. Seems like we have lost connection. I'll give it a minute more before I end this chat session.

You: Are you kidding me?

Modh: Just to inform you that if you place the new order with us credit file will be check from the back office team and we are not able to do anything. still if you are not happy I can connect your Chat to my manager for further escalation

You: I would prefer to go straight to complaints

Modh: Alright, do you want to place the new order with us so I can recreate the order for you ? after that I will connect your Chat to my manager for the further escalation

You: No I think we have been through this more than 5 times. I also do not want to speak to your manager. I want you to put me straight through to complaints

Modh: I am sorry for that . My manager is available now. Shall I transfer your chat ?

You: Maybe read the message above for the answer

Modh: I Sincerely apologies for the inconvenience you had. My manager will surely raise the complaint for you and He is available now. Shall I transfer your Chat ?

You: If you cannot put me through to complaints then yes I will have to speak to your manager

Modh: Thank you, Please stay online

Uttam: Hi, my name is Uttam, manger in the shift. Please give me 2-3 minutes as quickly as go through your conversation so that you don't have to repeat yourself.

You: You will need more than 2-3 mins!

You: I will summarise. Your staff member could not tell me why my order was cancelled and when I asked about having to reorder without a credit check kept going round in circles. I want to make a complaint about the fact my order was canelled, and I want the credit check removed from my file if my order has been cancelled.

You: As for what you can take from this about your shift member I will leave that up to you.

Uttam: Thanks for the details, I apologize for the inconvenience. let me locate your account check the details.

Uttam: Just a heads up, moving away from the chat window or not responding for few mins may result in losing the chat.

You: That is fine

You: How are you going?

Uttam: Hi Killian, thanks waiting as I checked your is showing cancelled due to some technical reason.

You: A very non technical answer. Regardless I am more concerned about the credit check. So either please facilitate a new order with no check or remove the check from my file by way of amendment to Equifax

Uttam: We need to place the order again. If you allow, I can help to you to transfer the chat to our dedicated sales team to place the order.

Uttam: Killian, for credit check, its backend process checked by the concerned team for every new order.

You: I only want to do that if they will do the order without the credit check. I have clearly set out why. If this cannot be done then please transfer me to complaints.

You: So can you do one or the other for me please?

You: I have now been on this chat for over 1 hour which is totally unacceptable.

Uttam: Hi Killian, I am afraid but our sales team will check further, if it is required, they will let you know because your account is in prospect. It is completely depends on sales depend on our sales team.

Uttam: If you allow I can transfer the chat to our Sales Team.

You: Can you just put me through to complaints please?

You: I have asked countless times. I do not want to speak to sales. Please put me through to complaints

Uttam: Sure I can raise the complaint for you and our Consumer team will contact you within 7 to 10 working days.

You: Please do. Will you give me a reference?

Uttam: Sure Killian, can you please confirm your Registered email address and phone number

You: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You: xxxxxxxxxxx

Uttam: Thanks for the details, please be online.

You: I will leave you to raise that complaint I have wasted enough time getting nowhere. Thanks


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@TheDon1888 Wow! I can't quite make up my mind what would happen if that conversation was put into a Turing test. I suspect the outcome would be that you were talking to a robot.

For those who are unaware of the Turing test 

Ha I am genuinely still not sure it was not some robot!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @TheDon1888 - this isn't the first impression that we want to give to you at all. I'd like us to take a closer look into the chat and feed this back internally. We can also check what's happening with the order and help further if needed. Please get in touch with us on Social Media

4: Newbie

Welcome to Vodafone.

You can't create an account until you are activated chat all day to bots and then people on chat and not one of them remember the thread and every single one of them has differing advice/training levels.

Your best bet is to speak to someone and ideally in a UK based team, as you mention, complaints. It takes a while to get through to complaints and they never 'transfer' you.

It's an absolute nightmare dealing with this business but hopefully you get to my state of a semi-stable system.

Your chat dialogue is a classic example of a failing customer service department .