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4G Broadband Back-up

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

The 4G Broadband Back-up should work seamlessly if my broadband goes down ? But this is has not happened? This has happened about three times and every time I have to call them to add data to the dongle? Does anyone have the same issue? 


4: Newbie

@SatikjI've ever only had to use the Back-up Dongle once and if memory serves me right i had to phone them up 2-3 times over a few days to add more data to the dongle while the fault was rectified... like you i was somewhat annoyed at the time but when i later thought about it it did make sense so that the sim card inside the dongle wasn't open to abuse.

For me, and this was a couple of years ago so this may well be outdated now, but to have more data added to the dongle was a quick and painless process,... i'm not so sure i'd call it an issue as such, possibly more a security measure to ensure the Sim card within the dongle isn't being abused.

Given the alternative of when the network went down i was more than happy to make a simple call to Customer Service to have the Sim card topped up with more data... should we have to do that, probably not, but these things do happen.

There are very few ISP's who offer such a service so if it meant i could keep my devices and TV etc connected i was happy and thankful for the option.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi both, your 4G data dongle will kick in automatically if your internet connection goes down, these are equipped with 50GB as standard. If you need more than the 50GB provided, please reach out to a member of the team either through 191 from a Vodafone phone, 03333 040191 from any other UK phone, or through our live chat here, and we'll get this re-added for you 🙂

10: Established
10: Established

Never worked for me, I used my mobile instead (only 4g - when are we going to get 5g? some parts of town still have no signal)  (white light comes on but never switched when I had FTTC, I have FTTP now). I don't even bother to connect it now as the 4g signal is low

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Thanks for the replies I got in touch with the Vodafone through the chat and also I got a call saying they have added unlimited data for a month until my broadband is fixed by city fibre.