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Broadband dropping and not recovering

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi, I'm a new customer and I managed to get going with Broadband on Thursday and I'm using the supplied HHG2500 router. Every day I've completely lost connection with the internet and only a reboot will get the router to connect again. Doing a "Reconnect" in the router menu does nothing. In the Overview page I just see something like "no connection". At this point a reboot is the only thing I can do and it reconnects at a sensible speed, 40/9.6 (this time) and previous times down to 37/6.8, so not bad.

The logs show nothing about the failure.


The router has its WiFi off and has a single wired connection to my server using the Exposed Host Function - effectively a DMZ - (the server acts as a firewall/router).


How can I troubleshoot this or is it the expected performance of the HHG2500?


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

This thread may yield some useful information Broadband-connection/6-Weeks-Of-Hell-Fixed-With-A-3rd-Party-Router.


Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Yes it seems like spending money is the only answer. I was promised before I signed up that the router would go in bridge mode as I want my WAN IP at my server, but it won't. I was considering my options:

Draytek Vigor 130 - expensive but not many complaints here

Netgear DM200 - Cheap but it looks like people have some problems in bridge mode. Supposed to be good in router mode.

HG612 3B - Old and only available "refurbished", but may be OK


Comments would be welcome.

@NickH60 If you're looking to use a different router, I'd read the reviews on third party routers before buying it. Once you've got one, we'll be more than happy to give you your username and password. Either message us or contact our Customer Service team on 08080034515. Joe

Hello Joe,

Really I only want to add a modem. My server will do the PPPoE bit and it will receive the public IP directly. If is a full router/firewall distro called ClearOS. This saves double-nat/port forwarding or a DMZ.


I have already been given the user/pass by the customer services team



Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

I'm glad you got the username and password @NickH60. It's entirely up to you what you decide to do with the setup of your home network. We can only run diagnostics with our own router plugged in, so you'll need to set this up on your own.

Not applicable

I use a good old HG612 3B and its great, and you can pick them up cheap as chips on ebay. The others may give you the odd MB extra sync, but mine is super stable and usually has hundreds of days up time on both the modem and sync.

I am desparately waiting for a modem to arrive now.


The internet connection went down last night at 00:22, came up at 00:23, up and down again at 00:24 then did not recover until I rebooted the router at 08:01. Why is the router not recovering on its own?


Do you know if is there a telnet interface on the router? If so, I can write a script to do a continuous ping check and restart the router if necesary.

Not applicable

I've never bothered plugging in the VF supplied router:Socked_Face:

From reading other forums etc I've not seen talk of anyone using telnet etc on it, only in the early days when VF refused to give out PPPoE creds did some have a go at getting in, but as it will authenticate over the ("unused") WAN port wireshark was easier.

@NickH60 You'll have to wait for the new router to come out. to use. If you do ever get your own router please don't hesitate to contact our Care teams, who'll be more than happy to supply you with the username and password you'd need to enter in to the 3rd party router. Joe