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Changing Wifi settings and disconnection in online meeting

2: Seeker
2: Seeker


I've recently joined in Vodafone Broadband, and I've got several issues.
1) How to change Wifi channel?
- I have been struggling to optimise my wifi channel and it seems that I'm not allowed to change the channel on my own? I've tried to change it with Expert Mode at Vodafone Power Hub(

2) How to change Wi-Fi settings to split SSIDs into 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz
- It seems that I'm not allowed to split SSIDs into 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz. Can I split them on my own?

3) Issues to connect Vadafone Broadband app
- When I try to open vodafone broadband app via my mobile phone, I get this error "Hmm, something's wrong. Let's try that again. Session ID: XXXXXX".

4) Huge disconnection when I have Zoom/MS Teams meeting with my Vodafone Wifi.
- When I have a Zoom/MS Teams online meeting with my Vodafone wifi, I found that others have been struggling to hear my audio. However, downloading speed is around 100-150 Mbps and uploading speed is around 50-100 Mbps when I test the Wifi speed. I think to both of wifi channel optimisation and SSID split would be helpful for increasing reliability. Do you have any other thought to solve this problem?

Best regards,



Hi @lwk1802, our routers no longer allow the SSID split change, it will automatically place you on the best frequency. With the app issue, can you try to  reset the app from and try to log in or uninstalling it and reinstalling it, if that doesn't work, please get in touch with us here.


With the disconnections, please reach out to out Broadband team on 0333 3040 191 or webchat, so they can run a few tests and help get this resolved.