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Vodafone support

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I have just been on a chat with Vodafone support for a DNS query. I’m an infrastructure architect and my routers DNS config is not up to date with global DNS servers.  I went through all the boring stuff and was asked to provide a screen shot which I was going to do, when I had it to upload I had the end of chat prompt presented to me.  They’re not interested, or have the skill to help, so essentially they just hang up.  Also, when looking for a complaints process on the support site, you conveniently get lost in a loop of links.  

Basically,  VODAFONE, you suck at customer service, it should be called lip service, cause that is essentially all it is.


this is not the first time I have had difficult problems and the person at the end of the ‘line’ as mysteriously hung-up.

its probably an issue with the way they grade the performance of the support, it’s done on numbers of calls answered, rather than the quality of the support.

well I’m at the end of my contract, so no need to stay, time to look for an alternative.  strongly NOT recommended!



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Why don't you just change dns servers? 

I have already, but the point is not the DNS issue, it’s the problem with Vodafone support. And to be brutally honest I shouldn’t have to.  Most people do not have the skills to do this, and shouldn’t have to.  I want the root cause fixed, not mask the issue with a hack.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

First line support is farmed out to Egypt. Good luck finding someone who understands. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@mraandrews wrote:
I’m an infrastructure architect and my routers DNS config is not up to date with global DNS servers.

I find that difficult to believe, but you are right about the support.