19-07-2022 06:13 PM
Fifth attempt to get some basic help.
Ever since I moved to Vodafone Broadband (with landline) my wifi keeps dropping out when trying to use my wifi repeaters.
It worked perfectly with Plus Net, but now whenever I get about midway between the main router and a repeater, the connection drops.
This is particularly noticeable on the Kindle Fire at one end, and on Apple devices at the other.
Are thee any repeaters known to work with/without Vodafone?
I'm using TP link repeaters, and I've just noticed that they are connected with both 2.4 and 5,.
I only want them to use 2.4, and wonder if this might be a router setup issue.
20-07-2022 02:50 PM
Going by the settings etc on the Vodaphone Router I have (latest WiFi Hub) you can switch it to broadcast dual band 2.4 & 5ghz together or just single band 2.4ghz or 5ghz.
Maybe give that a shot.
20-07-2022 04:00 PM
@Jimbob87 wrote:Going by the settings etc on the Vodaphone Router I have (latest WiFi Hub) you can switch it to broadcast dual band 2.4 & 5ghz together or just single band 2.4ghz or 5ghz.
Only if you are not on Pro, they remove that option for Pro users.
21-07-2022 01:48 PM
Thanks for the reply.
I THINK I have solved it by splitting the two bands into separate SSIDs.
Before it was set to auto, and both bands had the same name and password.
The signal would drop out and disconnect when I was about half way between my router and a repeater.
I haven't had any problems now since giving them different IDs.
Interestingly I also have an as yet unused Guest Wifi available.