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Xbox Connection Issues

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi everyone. I changed from Sky Broadband to Vodafone Broadband in May this year and ever since, my partner and I have had trouble with connecting to online services on Call of Duty on our Xboxes. He has an Xbox One downstairs and I have one upstairs. Initially, one of us would be able to connect to online services on Call of Duty ok, but when the other tried to connect aswell, would get the 'Connection Failure - Unable to Connect to Online Services' message. Vodafone sent out a new router, and this error message displays intermittently now when trying to connect so we know it isn't the router that's the problem. Sometimes my partner is on first and can connect straight away, then I try to connect and unable to. Other times, it's vice versa. I've spoken to several different Vodafone advisors who I feel do not understand the issue when I describe it to them. My partner and I think it may be to do with the Port, as both of our Xboxes use the same port. I was going to change the port on my Xbox and update the router, but on the router has boxes to type in for 'Service', 'Local Port', and 'Public Port'. I have no idea what has to be typed in these boxes and don't want to type the wrong thing and mess it all up. I did online chat with an advisor earlier who was going to run me through some steps on the router page, but disappeared after I told him i had logged in to router page. Helpful! So I am hoping one of you guys may be able to help. Thanks 


5: Helper

The NAT is your issue.


Do you have UPnP enabled on the router? This may alleviate your problem.


Do you have any port-forwarding rules?


Do you have any static addresses for the consoles? If not, it's probably worth static addressing them.