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Xbox Series X wired connection issue

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi, hoping someone could help.


Since switching to Vodaphone I have been experiencing issues with my Xbox connecting to the the network via a wired connection. What I find is sometimes if I restart the Xbox enough, it pics up the wired connection.

What I have tried (on the Xbox):

Reset MAC - same issue

NAT Type set to open which is correct

Did a factory reset of the Xbox - same issueHowever when I connected the Xbox to the Wi-Fi - works fine

What I tried on the router;

Power cycle - same issue

Manually added DNS ( - same issue

Changed Ethernet cable - same issue

Other devices connected via a Ethernet cable work fine.


At the point I don’t believe this is a Xbox issue but an issue with the router or broadband. Is there something that maybe stopping/making the wired connection intermittent as I’m not sure what else to do.


As I said I had no issues when on Virgin using a wired Ethernet connection.




428 REPLIES 428

We've been chasing this up with the team since it was raised to us and this is just the latest update we have from them @Jayach so we're just trying to keep this issue moving so we can ensure it is resolved for everyone. Of course we are hoping the firmware update will resolve it but if not, we want the tickets already raised so we can get a resolution faster. 

Well.... I contacted the team, , was given the usual advice and the advisor was adamant he can sort it.....


Told to hard reset (was against this as it previously killed my internet) and you'll never guess what has happened.... Now needing to use my dongle.... Won't reconnect due to a convenient "outage" on some random system.... What's the chances! 


I feel the advisor seems to think he is bigger/better than the problem and won't raise a ticket due to outage being the problem......


Also, he can't even look at this forum as his system won't allow him too!!


Loving this, should've just waited with my ethernet port switch work around

I'm so sorry to hear this @IIISTEVEOIII Did you speak to the Social Media team or the WiFi Xperts?

@Effie it was the WiFi experts. Not sure how the social media team work. When I clicked like earlier, it seemed to end up taking me back to chats instead of DM (not wanting to announce my account details publicly)

Thanks @IIISTEVEOIII Unfortunately the Social Media team won't have access to the systems required to run the tests on the Pro Broadband or Gigafast lines so it wouldn't do you any good going to them in this instance. Are you able to try one more time with the WiFi Xperts team please. They can load this thread as it is a public platform.

I've got internet back now. Chat wasn't working again so I'll give up with them the now.


I'm sticking to the ethernet switch the now until I hear more about the fix or firmware actually updates on its own. 


As for being able to access this thread, I believe that's down to advisor perhaps not wanting to look.... But that's me just being cynical out of frustration now probably!



@Effie  I too contacted the WiFi xperts as a gigafast user 4 times today and got the same line that its my xbox which is the issue and not Vodafone I directed them to this thread and the response was that you monitor people's posts and they are the "experts" I've had no issues with Sky when it comes to connecting as I told the WiFi "Xperts" but the wouldn't belive the issue so how can we go forwards if the support lines won't even acknowledge an issue

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


I'm sticking to the ethernet switch the now until I hear more about the fix or firmware actually updates on its own. 

Very sensible, I'm not sure where this will go from now. We apparently have a firmware fix that will hopefully cure the problem, but I'm unable to get the new firmware, and I assume most of the other posters are in the same position.

Stick with what you know works, unless there is a definite solution.

I'm glad your internet is back @IIISTEVEOIII and I'm sorry to both you and @da1e85 for the experience you have had with the WiFi Xperts, I have fed this back as we were instructed by the Broadband Tech team to get you to message in and you both being turned away is not the experience you should have had. 

Hopefully the new firmware will help, though as @Jayach mentions, not everyone has access to this at the moment. 

We're looking into alternative ways for us to get these tickets raised but at the moment, unfortunately the only advice we have is for you to keep trying with the Pro and Gigafast teams. 

12: Established
12: Established

I'd rather stick to the switch than some so called tech bod telling me how to suck eggs. My experience with them initially didn't inspire confidence and definitely we know better than you attitude.

Will obviously give the new firmware a try when it installs