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YouTube terrible speed and buffering

4: Newbie

I am on Vodafone fibre so just under a year and no problems getting 10mbps but over the last 5 days I am getting terrible performance on YouTube on wifi on all devices. It either buffers, doesn’t play video and occasionally I get a period of a few minutes with no problems.

I have rebooted router and reset firmware and spoke to  Vodafone but no solution. If I connect to mobile data all is good, and all other streaming video sites work fantastic and my wifi speed is always good. Any ideas?




310 REPLIES 310

I would reach out but you've cut off my internet, muppet. Why don't you tell the 'tech' team what the temporary fix is?? They've cut me off now twice with ridiculous ideas of how to fix it, as well as wasting rhe time of a BT engineer....not counting my time in all this when I'm supposed to work from home. I've logged a formal complaint too, just to see if it helps.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@4pack wrote:
No offence, just wondering why you have spent 2 years of your life posting 3000+ posts in what could only be described as the technical support equivalent of hell?

I do it because I enjoy it. I like to try to help those who may not have the same expertise as me in broadband/networks. It's called altruism., something I suspect you are unable to grasp.
And as you said yourself, you don't have the problem?

So you don't know the fix?

Which leads me to consider why are you in this thread?

I do know the fix, it's someone in networks correcting the problem. No I can't tell them how to do it, that is their job. Doesn't mean I can't try to advise on actions individual posters can try, and which are a waste of time.

Because yes the problem is inside Vodas network, it looks to be purely because of traffic management, either working or not working correctly. 

Not traffic management, possibly misconfiguration or under capacity. Or, as it seems only Googles services are affected, a peering problem.


Quote from their own documentation:
Vodafone have an acceptable use policy which is referred to in its T&Cs, however, it does not make a policy of limiting customer’s service, and none of our Fixed Line Broadband products have any usage caps.


That right there is bull......

No, it's not. There is a fault that is taking far too long to resolve, but it is not policy.


@4packman can we keep it civil and only relating to the issue at hand? I'm trying to point VF at this thread and arguments taking things off topic aren't going to help us get it sorted

Add to the discussion that the 4G dongle doesn't work if the router doesn't work is also laughable. He topped it up this afternoon and admitted it was for no reason whatsoever.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@mmotti wrote:

@4packman can we keep it civil and only relating to the issue at hand? I'm trying to point VF at this thread and arguments taking things off topic aren't going to help us get it sorted

Sorry @mmotti, I can see you are trying to get this escalated correctly, but when I am attacked, I have to respond. 

I seriously hope your efforts are rewarded.

It's all good man. We're all annoyed and rightfully so, but at Vodafone. Not eachother lol


Hey I'm not attacking anyone, I simply asking a pertinent question of why you are here, if you don't have this problem? Is that so awful?

I haven't made any comments on a personal level about you, I don't know why you then think it necessary to attack me. You have no idea who I am, what my level of experience or knowledge is. You have no idea what I do, nor do you have any idea what and how much data I have gathered, over how long a period. And you have no idea who I have shown the data to and discussed the issue with including experts outside of Voda. You have no idea of the "troubleshooting" steps I have already gone through. And you don't know how many hours I have spent investigating and dealing with this issue.


Since I entered this thread however you have been quick to shoot me down, without any real reason and made your opinion clear that you do not believe either me or that its a throttling issue. Even though it would seem we are in agreement it is an issue in the Voda network itself thus no amount of consumer based fixes will do much to change that.


Now please don't take this the wrong way as I appreciate your trying to help people, however as you are not a Voda staff member, have no access to diagnostic data and don't seem to be experiencing the problem yourself it would seem you can't actually run any tests or offer any technical analysis other than your opinion.


I am entitled to my belief  based on the evidence I have seen that this for the most part is a traffic throttling issue, I have only used exactly the same "accepted" steps as others in the past have used to prove conclusively that traffic throttling is occuring. I have not formed this opinion by accident but by research and rigorous and repeatable testing.

Nor is it outside the realm of possibility that it is traffic management, (whether configured correctly or incorrectly) and Voda have been found doing exactly this, on several occasions in the past and have even been investigated by Ofcom for the practice. Even though this is in contravention of the net neutrality rules.

Do you need me to post links? I am sure if you google it you won't have to look far.


Of course nobody is going to come out and admit its traffic management, as that would be admitting Voda is breaking the law.


It would seem this support forum is about as toxic as the official technical help. I can't see any positive developments from engaging any further on this issue. I hope you all get your problem resolved soon.


Good luck.


I have also raised a complaint with Ofcom, if anyone wants the reference number please PM me.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@4pack wrote:


Hey I'm not attacking anyone, I simply asking a pertinent question of why you are here, if you don't have this problem? Is that so awful?


@4pack wrote:

@Jayach  Are you on the payroll?

@4pack wrote:

No offence, just wondering why you have spent 2 years of your life posting 3000+ posts in what could only be described as the technical support equivalent of hell? Just to help out a multi billion tech company whos own paid support staff are too incompetent to do so?

And as you said yourself, you don't have the problem?

So you don't know the fix?

Which leads me to consider why are you in this thread?

You accused me of being on the payroll and questioned my right to be on this thread. Where, when, and what I post has nothing to do with you.

Just ignore my posts if you don't like them. That is what I am going to do with yours from now on.


Can you provide an update on how Vodafone is progressing with this network-wide issue? 

4: Newbie

Hi, is anyone else still having an issue with YouTube. I’ve been struggling with it for two months at least now. It’s is pretty much unusable in the evenings (UK).