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router crashing which started about 4/6 months ago

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

The router is a 2 years old standard Vodafone 3000 model no issues at all for around 18 months and then 

the router started crashing. This seems to happen every 6 weeks or so. I had to reboot it this morning at 5 am due to around half of the devices connected stopping working. , 2 days ago sky box, mini box and a tablet stopped working, and 1 day ago Xbox stopped working and a moto phone stopped working, This morning my laptop is working but can't log into the router but my phone can log into the router 


what I did notice on 1 of the Xbox it says connected but 

ipv4 connection says 

IP address .



latency 174

download 0

upload 0

packet loss 0%


reboot the router and all works fine for around 6 weeks 


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

You don't mention making any changes yourself so that leaves two options - a firmware update or a change to your service. Go into the router's status page and copy the firmware version here (the full string).

Clearly your xbox is not being given an IPv4 address so something with the router's dhcp server so it sounds like you've started suffering the common xbox problem. Maybe the switch trick would fix that(?).

Or maybe a reset. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Firmware version19.4.0551-3261103-20211126144629-7efccd9e333e995b72430e4ef45c0f27f265fb5d


No changes at all .worked great for 18 months and then this issue just started . Other 2 xbox's  were still online and working OK but if I left the router running, each day more devices will stop working 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

That's still the old firmware compiled in November 2021 ,so that's not the trigger.

I can't think of anything else other than something on your network is dying a slow death, or a cable has been damaged somewhere.

Is it worth a reset? I's quite possible old logs aren't being cleared so it's running out of memory. This is just a supposition though - a stab in the dark.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Ripshod wrote:

Is it worth a reset? I's quite possible old logs aren't being cleared so it's running out of memory. This is just a supposition though - a stab in the dark.

The logs will be in volatile memory, so a simple restart (power off/on) will clear them. It does sound like the DHCP server is stopping though. 

Edit: Ignore that, I was wrong.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Now that has me confused now. I remember the logs on mine would survive a reboot, even a full power-down. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Ripshod wrote:

Now that has me confused now. I remember the logs on mine would survive a reboot, even a full power-down. 

You are right, I've just put an old THG3000, which I'd not used for some time and it has entries from September '22 so I was wrong. I must have been thinking of another router. Apologies.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Jayach wrote:
 It does sound like the DHCP server is stopping though. 

If the memory runs out the router would just lock up so it could be dhcp first though everything would fail eventually

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I would imagine the log to be cyclic, i.e. when full the new entries would overwrite the oldest, but who knows?

Edit: The oldest is currently:

09/01/2022 23:02:12 /etc/rc.d/S13wireless: /etc/wlan/VCNT-I.config exists. system
I'll check in a few days and see if it is still there.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Jayach wrote:

I would imagine the log to be cyclic, i.e. when full the new entries would overwrite the oldest, but who knows?

Edit: The oldest is currently:

09/01/2022 23:02:12 /etc/rc.d/S13wireless: /etc/wlan/VCNT-I.config exists. system
I'll check in a few days and see if it is still there.

Just checked, and the oldest entries are gone, only entries for today and yesterday so it does sound like it is cyclic, so no danger of it growing too large and consuming all the memory.