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Lower speed than advertised - Fibre 1

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I signed up to a Fibe 1 plan last year and recently my internet has been not as good and I noticed that speeds have been a lot lower than I expected.

Looking back on my emails when I first signed up I got one that showed I was guaranteed a minimum of 34Mbps but that I could get 37.7-38Mbps max whereas now I'm getting no more than 11Mbps no matter whether I use my phonbe, laptop, wifi on the Vodafone hub or even the wifi on my mesh setup.
When I go to check the upgrade page it shows my current plan speed as 10.3Mbps but I that can get 11.6-13.5Mbps.

I've checked my emails for any that may indicate a change in speed but the only emails I get are either for my latest bill or the couple to say the price for my broadband and landline was changing.

Why is it that my speed has suddenly decreased so much and to not be made aware of this?


It says i'm served by Cabinet 1 which is only 10 minutes away (Walking distance) looking via google mpas at what cabinet nearby is 1 so not that far unless that is far in terms of my internet??

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member


Your DSL stats are very suspicious, it's always a red flag when it says the current speed is higher than the maximum. Also the SNR is a bit low, suggesting variable noise on the line. (Yes I know it's the same as mine, but I suspect it's for a different reason)

How is your router connected to the BT line? Are you connected to the master socket via a filter, or is your master pre-filtered?

Are you using any extension cables? Have you any extension phones?

Edit: Have you tried with the router in the test socket?

I'm using a mastersocket 5C so directly connected to a socket without using a filter.
I've not connected to the test socket as I couldn't find my filter to do so.

Currently on web chat to someone who's just said they found a fault in my line and they've to book an engineer to look into it for me.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Helvetios wrote:
Currently on web chat to someone who's just said they found a fault in my line and they've to book an engineer to look into it for me.

That's good, at least Openreach will be checking the line.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Helvetios Keep an eye on the engineer booking, I have had "delays" in the past.