29-10-2024 11:49 AM
Hi all,
Migrated across to Vodafone from BT today.
All seemed to go smoothly however the speeds seem quite a bit lower than I was getting on BT
I seem to be seeing Packet Loss on Vodafone aswell which was 0.0% on BTVodafone
It doesn't seem to matter if i test via Ethernet or via Mesh Wifi (Proven to do 900+ using BT Connection)
Any ideas?
Obviously have 14 Days to Switch back to BT if needed
29-10-2024 12:42 PM
I'm using the Power Hub
I do have another Router but tbh I don't see why I should use it.... The BT one worked fine.
29-10-2024 02:39 PM
I'm literally using the Router barebones with DHCP turned off (using Pi Hole)
Wi-Fi is Disabled as I have a Mesh System.
The Router couldn't have an easier life (The BT Hub performed perfectly in this setup)
My expectations are still that the router should be capable of providing the Speed i'm paying for otherwise whats the point?
29-10-2024 03:22 PM
@scjgreen The thing is that the VF router is not perfect. Also speed tests over WiFi are also not perfect, what are the wired speeds like?
29-10-2024 06:30 PM
The Wired Speeds are just as erratic...
Also my WiFi is AP's with Ethernet Backhaul and gave solid 900MB+ on my BT Service