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Why is Sky Fi 866 mbs and Vodafone only 175 mbs?

4: Newbie

I was round my son's house yesterday and connected to his Sky WiFi, it's seemed instantaneous compared with my Vodafone connection, I took a screen shot on Sky showing 866Mbs connection speed, just did the same at home and my Vodafone is showing only a lousy 175mbs connection speed. Why is Sky Fi 866 mbs and Vodafone only 175 mbs?


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

The obvious reason is that you are connecting to the 5GHz WiFi on your son's network, but only connecting to the 2.4GHz Wifi on your own.  It may be that you need to change the SSID you use on your own network!

11: Established
11: Established

This is because you are connecting to a 2. 4Ghz network, split the SSID's to separate them into both a 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz network and then connect to the 5Ghz network.

The Vodafone THG3000 is a Wifi 5 router.

The mobile app says my phone is connected at 5 GHz????


Vodafone router is pretty stressful device to use, half my devices connected at 2.4, my PVR keeps dropping out, and now my phone's connecting at 2.4 but showing it's connected at 5 GHz, I think I'll be switching to Sky at the end of contract

Split the SSID's like I said into two different networks, you can do this by logging into the GUI on the router with the details on the bottom. Then connect any high bandwidth devices to the 5Ghz network instead like your PVR. 

By default the Vodafone router will only show 1 wifi network because it combines the 2.4Ghz and 5 Ghz networks together, because Vodafone use a crap default configuration.

You should always reconfigure a new ISP router to get the best performance out of it.. You should also make sure change the channels being used so they are not the same as all your neighbours.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Gobsheeite wrote:

I think I'll be switching to Sky at the end of contract

That could be a long time away. Sky broadband is no better than Vodafone. (might have some disagreement on that)

If you are early on in your Vodafone contract, perhaps you should consider getting a better router.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Personally, while my broadband is Vodafone, I spend FAR more time sorting out issues with Sky Broadband set ups than anything else.  The only think I hate more than the Sky Mini boxes?  Trying to sort out other people's Pfsense boxes!

*There is a great deal of misunderstanding surrounding splitting and combining SSIDs, even sometimes coming from some of the newer members of Vodafone support on here!

Split my signal and it's still only 263?? Sky here we come

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I've just plugged my vf router in to take a look at this. Even my cheap Chinese phone is connecting at 433Mbps so I can't understand why you don't. My understanding is you need to use the higher channels to hit the 866,but we don't have that control.

Firmware version 19.4.0551-3261103 -  5Ghz channel 50

Ripshod that's not entirely true, there is a way around it. Just because Vodafone took the options away within the router GUI and the newer Vodafone Broadband apps, doesn't mean you can't change the channels manually yourself.

The way around it to change the channel frequencies for both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz is to use an Android version of the Vodafone Broadband app that is 4.1.0 or lower, this was the last version of the app that had the options.


Gobsheeite, the reason you will be getting 263mb/s is because the router is broadcasting on the same channels as your neighbours. On Android there is an app called Wifi Analyzer, use this to find out what channel frequencies your neighbours are using. Then follow the instructions above about the Vodafone Broadband app and manually change the channels to ones that none of your neighbours are using.

This should then give you the full speed of 866mb/s, because that is the maximum speed the THG3000 can handle per wifi 5 device.