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Have spent so long trying Vodafone trying number removed but still in phonebook as SOMEONE ELSE!!!!

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Vodafone kindly provided me with a new (not) landline telephone number.


The number appears to have been the telephone for an old local plumber. 


Spend hours with Vodafone speaking to a robot. They said they would de list the number and inform BT who manage the phone book (and every other bloody service on the internet that looks up the BT phone book)


Weeks gone by. Nothing. Still getting calls about leaky ballcocks at 2am. Thanks for nothing Vodafone.







Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @woreillygolf13, we would love to take a look at this. If you could drop us a message over Facebook or Twitter with your account details and your Community username, that would be great. You can find the contact details here

Went to facebook, followed the instructions and then nothing happened!

Vodafone did absolutely nothing about this. The worst customer service ever. BT say it is the responsibility of the phone provider, who is Vodafone.


Thanks for clarifying your query William 


As the number is listed under another companies website we wouldn't have any access or means to removing any information that's posted, the only option we have available for our customers is a number change, which you don't want. However after looking into this for you through the BT website I've found that to allow you to limit the ways in which your directory details are listed, you can choose one of the following options: - Ex-directory - No calls. Your details will not be included in the Phone Book and will not be available via BT 118500 Directory Enquiries, nor our online directory service - Directory Enquiries Only. Your details will be disclosed only through Directory Enquiries. This means your details won’t be printed in the Phone Book and won't be available on our online directory service Both options are free and you can sign up by calling 0800 800 150 between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Is there anything else you'd like to query or need help with? Mo

.@woreillygolf13 Here are some alternative contact details.

Taken from this URL

How to complain directly to Vodafone

Vodafone's dedicated complaints team is on 0333 3040 441.

You can also complain using the online complaints form or by writing to Customer Relations Manager, Vodafone Limited, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN. Vodafone says it will aim to respond within five days.

It used to be worthwhile sending a letter to the CEO marked "private and confidential", but this isn't as effective as it used to be now that so many people use it. However, it may be worth contacting the CEO of Vodafone by email.

How to complain via social media

Complaining on social media can be effective. On Twitter, you can contact @VodafoneUK

Alternatively, try contacting the supplier on its Facebook Page

Communications ombudsman 

If your complaint hasn't been resolved within eight weeks, or you’re not happy with the outcome, you can make a formal complaint to CISAS, an Ofcom approved dispute resolution scheme.

This is a free, impartial service for communications consumers. It will investigate customer complaints and its decision is binding, so Vodafone would have to pay up if it found in your favour.

Call: 0207 520 3814, email cisas[at] or write to CISAS: Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, 70 Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 1EU.