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Landline phone with own router on FTTP

4: Newbie

Just got FTTP and everything is working fine off the VF router. Phone lines are plugged into the VF router, VF router's WiFi is switched off. 3rd party Mesh has been switched to Bridge mode and plugged into the VF's ethernet port.

However I am shocked at how feature poor the VF router is. e.g. There are no Parental controls at all. I know I can get rid of the VF router and plug my own Mesh router into the Openreach ONT, but what about the Landline. 

Are there any 3rd party routers in the market that have a telephone socket at the back to allow the home phone to be plugged in? 

719 REPLIES 719

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

After much trial and error, I have got my Grandstream GXW4216 ATA working with the VoIP landline service. 16 phone lines is a bit excessive for my use, but it was being thrown out at work (I wouldn't pay that much) and I couldn't resist the opportunity to replace the Vodafone router.

After a weekend of digging and packet captures with a 10Mbps Ethernet hub between my ONT and router (poor man's LAN tap), it seems that the VF router is always allowing UDP traffic from the VF SIP server IP to port 5065 with the following firewall rule:


iptables -t filter -C MMPBX --src [VF SIP server IP] -p udp --dport 5065 -m comment --comment Allow_SIP -j ACCEPT


The SIP registration has an expiry of 3600s, and (from above) it looks like the VF router keeps port 5065 open all the time instead of sending keep-alives or re-registering more often to keep the UDP port open.

If this is an issue, has anyone dealt with this in their setup? Or if not, would anyone more knowledgeable in how VoIP works be able to correct me? I'm going to leave my setup running for a while to see if people are still able to call me some time after SIP registration.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Having tried and failed to get my SIP username/password from Vodafone, I raised a complaint with VF Complaints.

That went nowhere and resulted in what's called a "deadlock" since all VF would offer was to honour the "cooling off period" and cancel the contract.

I have now raised a complaint via the Communication & Internet Services Adjudication Scheme (CISAS), the Ofcom alternative dispute resolution provider. I'll have to wait and see what happens next!

It would be helpful for me to understand who HAS been able to obtain their SIP username/password and WHEN you obtained it (particularly if it was after 11 Sept 2024 which was when VF updated their T&C's last), and if you are FTTC or FTTH/FTTP. 

Equipment. We will supply the Vodafone Home Broadband and Phone equipment to you. You can use your
own router to receive the Vodafone Home Broadband and Phone Services but you must: (i) ensure it is
compatible; and (ii) use your Vodafone router in order to display speed information on the Vodafone
Broadband app. If you are a Vodafone Fibre to the Home Broadband customer (previously known as Vodafone
Gigafast Broadband): (a) speed information will not be available on the Vodafone Broadband app; and (b) you
will need to use the Vodafone router in order to use the phone services. You must not connect equipment to
our network that may harm it, or anyone else's equipment or services. If the Vodafone Home Broadband and
Phone Services are terminated (by you or us) prior to activation or during the "cooling off period" (see clause
7.3(a) below) or due to any unavailability issue, you must return all equipment which you have received under
your Agreement. Failure to return any equipment when requested to do so may result in charges in line with
our Returns Policy. Except where we expressly state otherwise, you will own the equipment we supply to you
under our Agreement 14 days after your service activation date.

Note that the T&C quoted above specifically state that your CAN use your own equipment UNLESS you are FTTH/FTTP and want to use Voice, in which case you MUST use their equipment. If anyone has the pre-Sept 11 2024 version of the T&C's I'd love to see if that clause has changed from the previous version. 


I raised a complaint on the 23rd October this year, and recieved my details on the 24th.



Where did you raise the complaint? I'll raise one too.

I have been considering making a Subject Access Request under GDPR for mine since these details, I believe, count as personally identifying information

I just did it through their internal complaints process. It did take a few calls. 

Thanks. I will give them a call.

I've raised that SAR - they hide the link to get to it in the "My Account" page under "Settings" > "Get a copy of my data." I'll let you know how it goes.

Community Manager
Community Manager

If you're looking to make a Subjecyt Access Request @xle, this can be done online here. Our team will review your request and provide the information within a calendar month.

Mark, can you help us understand why getting this information is so arduous? It's insufferable that customers are being gaslit with "security concerns", "it's not policy" etc, over login details. 

Not applicable

Ive given up with Vodafone and am moving to another ISP next week.

Continuous hassle getting something simple like a SIP phone working reliably soured it for me, then when I did a contract renewal at the beginning of the month, I lost my static IP address.

Went all the way through to complaints who said they no-longer give out static IP addresses to those on consumer contracts, despite it being in their price list…

Lost the will to continue fighting with them at that point and looked elsewhere for SIP + CityFibre FTTH and was surprised how many do this, and give a free Static IP.

Dunno why Vodafone make this SO difficult.

hey @VoIPNewb, the request for personal information, is available for customers via the form Mark has shared, I appreciate it may not be available on the main page of the Online Account, but it is available and the form will show with a google search like (Vodafone requesting personal information)


If you are facing issues with your log in details or need them, please contact us here, and we are more than happy to get them sent to you.